The Spark!

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Two weeks Later Chanyeol's POV.
"There could be worse places Old Sooman could of sent us!"

"Worse places! Are you kidding me Oh Sehun, we may as well be in Timbuktu. This isn't even Daegu it's Daegu-nan! That rat bastard old man didn't mention this little nugget! This is that snivelling suck up of an assistant trying to get one up on me when I managed to push back  Chanyeol's departure under his nose."

"I did hear the rumours that the only reason Old Sooman hadn't gone postal is because Chanyeol's managed to attract another highly sort after luxury brand endorsement!"

"Yes Sehun I don't even think I saw a bar back there, we have a zoom call with the Breitling marketing team in two days, I doubt this place has fibre broadband strong enough for this meeting!"

"The fancy expensive Swiss watch company, this is the new ambassadorship! our Bond Villain really is raking in the big guns."

"Oh Sehun, focus please!"

Chanyeol sighs and takes a step forward purposely leaving the squabbling of his staff behind him, he personally will welcome the peace and quiet between filming away from the hustle and bustle of Seoul. Yes he's here because his dirty short lived affair had been discovered by the big leagues, but being here will hopefully bring a slightly slower pace then the last six months. He,s done his homework too, he actually made time and watched more then 5 minutes of the first episode! He's impressed with the storyline and that ending with the Prince and the parasite on his cheek genius, and will make his characters introduction so much easier. He is excited to play the good guy, thankfully no one aside from the bigwigs knows he due to join the cast yet, or that he is already on location. Chanyeol hopes too that it will keep him in the companies good books, and keep his recent mob of unhinged obsessive fans away.

The vultures had even managed to gain access to the highly sought after restaurant he was at last week. One fan in particular had barged in passed all security and started screaming that he had betrayed all his fans by dating! He was beyond embarrassed at the spectacle this so called fan made of himself, needless to say his actual dinner companion was less then amused too. After all he was having having a pre departure dinner with his mother! Who hounded him the importance of discretion for over an hour! Only quieting down when he told her the sorry story about Luke and how he was used.

So yes this modest almost quaint two floored villa will be a god send, and a haven of peace away from the constant barrage of cameras thrust in his face. The high pitched exclamations behind him do make him smile, it won't be quite as peaceful with Jongdae's loud troll like whines, and Sehun's constant presence fussing over his outfits. Perhaps he should check there is a lock on the bedroom door, he's pretty sure he has ear plugs in his essentials! The rest of his luggage will arrive next week, the entourage of four black SUV's that bought them here could of fit it all in. The extremes some of his fans have been acting lately, it was easier to arrange a haulier, then attract more attention. Plus Chen's motto of why make the companies life easier when you can use them to your advantage still ringing in his ears.

Leaving the kids still squabbling, he grabs his own bag and punches in the security code he's been given. Impressed by the modern security feature, he waits for the beep to confirm the villa is unlocked. Opening the double doors to the villa he is pleasantly surprised, he can see it's actually more modern then he thought and is tastefully decorated with a modern fitted kitchen, complete with stainless steel appliances! The large European style oven something he looks forward to using himself soon, it will be nice to have some actual home cooked food. Surveying the area he likes this set up it's open yet cosy and the view from the floor to ceiling windows is breathtaking. He even spots a welcome hamper, he will explore that later! Its time to claim his room. He could take the stairs up but gravitates to the double doors at the end of the hallway, passed the impressive marble guest bathroom he can see. Opening the doors he left even more impressed by the attention to detail here it's all soft tones and gold accents, a massive bathroom with a jacuzzi tub and huge wall in shower! He's thrilled as well that this room has a wall of floor to celling windows and little garden terrace too! It will be amazing to watch the sunset and sunrise, get some peace and quiet perhaps a spot of yoga too.

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