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Chanyeol's POV
Six Days Later,

He feels his heartbeat pump rapidly in his a chest, as he watches the tiny camera screen replay the scene they have just finished shooting. This acting job may of been one he was forced to take on, but the grainy playback of what they have just finished shooting will be the makings of a Netflix masterpiece. Bowing low to the camera crew, he takes a step back to let the hair stylist re stick his wig, and the make up team fix his shiny forehead! He would be lying if he said he didn't have concerns about this project, given the amount of drama associated with the former lead actor. Yet when they completed the first read through his concerns melted away, the script is amazing, the cast experienced and welcoming. The writers have done amazing things to introduce the new main character that he will play. Never would he of thought to bring a zombie infection into a period piece would work, yet he himself was instantly hooked on the action, and originality. Not surprised that it made it too the top ten when the first series was released, making the show an instant overwhelming success internationally too.

One that was almost derailed by one actor's scandal, a very expensive scandal too one, a whole new script has been written, new sets have been needed to be designed and made and reshoots that will take a month! Chanyeol flinches under the costume he wears, he certainly doesn't envy Wang Lu now, especially if Netflix decide to sue for lost revenue. He does have to hand to the PR team attached to this project, they were smart enough to announce the delay to the production at same time of his involvement as the new lead. Renewing interest into the show, the downside the fans that followed him here. The peace he thought he would get leaving Seoul. He barely stepped foot in the sleepy town when the vultures found him.

The team here smart enough to keep filming about an hours drive outside the sleepy town, allowing the inhabitants of Daegu-Nan to go about their days without to much interruption from the actors, and production team. Chanyeol winces when he hears yet another car horn blasting out through the countryside, despite the attempts to keep exact schedules and locations quiet, fans have been relentless enough and discovered enough to know the location of some scenes. It's not the crucial fight scenes, or the equally crucial confrontation of the evil Queen and her father. It's the scenes where his character helps the crown prince prepare a blockade to the city, and lots of villagers seeking refuge. What's he's seen on the playback has been amazing, every one involved knows their craft well.

What's slightly derailed it all, was when he arrived at set this morning, an eye watering, match stick needing 3.30am, there were avid fans waiting at the gates trying to snap photos of him. Much to the annoyance of his manager, Jongdae had thought nothing of waking up all within a 5 mile radius by blasting out the car horn. Thankfully the only thing harmed were ear drums before those that have no concept of personal space jumped out of the way. Leaving him to listen to his sleep deprived manger's angry mutterings, as they drove in through the make shift security fencing. That feels like so long ago, he's already completed 5 hours of filming, coming next is the meeting of the crown prince and nurse something a little lighter to wrap up the first day of shooting. His heartbeat slams in his chest at the thought of what will be happening after his next bout of filming. He gets to spend time with that beautiful songbird, he's falling helplessly in more in love with.

He's not had much time to see or spend with the Baekhyun as he would like due to his schedule, but they haven't not communicated. Often he's found a cute text from the younger man after each late night table read, today has been the first day he's scheduled to finish filming at a reasonable time so had messaged Baekhyun last night about seeing him again today. Almost skipping down the stair of the villa when he got a response confirming the time after Baekhyun finishes his shift. He has numerous ideas about what to do on this date, several ideas that are less PG and more x rated but he will be true to his words and be a gentleman despite the itch he would love to scratch.

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