A Sasaeng Wont Stop Us.

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A quick recap & Chanyeol's POV.

It only takes a second for his closet friend to deposit the white box in front of him, it's the box from the florist he always uses, but instead of the two dozen Grand Prix roses he bought for his songbird there lies a mess of massacred flowers. Many have been hacked with some kid of knife as many are missing their whole blooms, some are even different lengths but what truly makes him feel his stomach drop out are the cockroaches dotted around the stems. However the upset he was feeling turns in to sheer fury when he sees a note in a deep maroon messy scrawl. A deep maroon colour that matches blood exclaim your boyfriend needs to die!

He has just enough time act as he senses his tiny boyfriend vacate his stool, with on point reflexes he manages to stop his songbird from collapsing to the floor as he hears a whispered plea and whimper of his name. "Chanyeol!" Catching his songbird before he hits the marble tiles of his kitchen floor, somewhere in the distance he can hear his manager and best friend screeching in his diva like way. He pity's the poor fool on the other end of the line, as no doubt Jongdae is dressing down the delivery service. A quick glance to the box and even he knows it's not usual discreet team his usual florist uses. Right now that's not important he can leave the shouting to his manager, he's more concerned with his boyfriend who has started to tremble in his arms. His tiny songbird is also a great deal paler then he normally is, which concerns him no end.

He gently swipes the messy textured hair off his boyfriend's face, as his heart plummets as it's hits him like a tonne of bricks that his boyfriend has a serious medical condition. He turns desperately to see if he noticed his songbirds luggage. Kicking himself when he doesn't see anything with in his reach, wincing at the loudness of his manager's dinosaur like screeching, he doesn't recall reading anywhere that hypothyroidism can cause fainting. Feeling rather useless but needing to do something he gently cup's Baekhyun's right cheek. Temperature seems normal, before moving on to one of those small but mighty arms and can feel a normal pulse. Which he hopes means he's not going to need to call an ambulance, desperately fighting down that rising panic within in veins as his songbird still isn't rousing.

Bending down he feels he gently kisses Baekhyun's forehand, before turning his attention to his friend who's now frantically typing on his phone. "Yeol I have the security team of the building scanning footage for whom ever that delivery person was. Although the florist swears it was their usual discreet service."

"Never mind that, I think we need to call am ambulance or our doctor, Baekhyun is not stirring!"

"Is there a temperature, rapid heartbeat, laboured breathing?"

"No all seems normal, Chen what do I do!"

"First let's get a cool towel and some smelling salts, I'm  positive it's just shock and perhaps being overwhelmed by everything tonight Mr Romance!"

"Chen now is not the time for that!"

Chanyeol is fully aware his manager is trying to make light of the situation, as he himself is struggling to make sense of what's happened. Yet he doesn't get to think more on it as just as Jongdae goes to turn away, he hears a deep inhale of breath and a whispered call of his name. A call from a voice so gentle and soft it could only come from person, a sound that makes that all consuming panic leach out of his bloodstream like a storm upon the seas.


The relief at seeing those gorgeous expressive eyes awake and alert is like nothing he's ever felt before, yet he's afraid this awful gift will of scared off this beautiful brave songbird. "I'm here my songbird!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Shh my love why are you apologising!"

"I must look so pathetic!" To say he's shocked at that whisperers statement is an understatement, the last thing he would ever think of his boyfriend is that. This gentle creature possesses an inner strength incomparable to many and the kindness of a saint. That anxiety within him though does reappear at the thought this is something he's bought on and is subsequently not able to fix. "Baekhyun baby, is this to do with your illness, have I done something to cause an episode!"

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