Byun Baekhyun's Daegu

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Beakhyun thanks the gods he doesn't have his music blasting through his AirPods, he has just enough time to dodge the mini tsunami heading his way! Thankfully he hasn't dropped the americanos in his hands, he only just managed to jump out the way of the parade of black vans clearly speeding down the main strip of town. Those cars are far too fancy for anyone in this town to own! Not that it's a majorly poor place, it's just very traditional! The only multi story buildings, are the secondary school, hospital and the only department store in town. Daegu-nan as it's traditionally called is mainly terracotta tiles hanocks. The main strip only slight more modern with its red brick shops. Those expensive sleek blacked out windowed vans can only be one thing Idol Cars! His little satellite town about an hours drive from the far busier Daegu, has seen quite the action the last few weeks. Baekhyun sighs he can no longer ignore the rumours of a movie being shot in the valley.

It's not really been a rumour though when the main star has been seen, everyone has managed to come into contact with said star. All of them saying one thing Wang Lu was a sulking husk of the man painted in the media and beyond rude. Not that he was in town for long, good old dispatch had unearthed Wang Lu was hiding quite the drug habit. That dispatch article effectively putting the reins on what ever is being filmed for the time being. The disgraced Wang Lu a one way ticket to rehab where Baekhyun is positive Wang Lu will find himself and come back an even bigger star.

The pang of that green eyes monster is going to be his downfall one of these days, he was so close to his dream once too. The difference between Wang Lu and himself is that he would never in his life take for granted, the pedestal that comes with being an idol! It's been a dream of his for years, ever since his piano teacher said he had the voice angels would be jealous of, all he wanted to do was sing. That was when he was just 10 years old, his love of singing following him all the way through secondary school, where he was scouted by an agency. His first audition was unsuccessful, but he did get a half scholarship to a performance arts college which he combined with his second love literature.

He got scouted a second time, this time he got through the auditions, all was set for him to become a rookie until the agency discovered his hypothyroidism. He had almost begged on his knees for the ability to join the company, showed them all his medical records that confirmed his condition whilst temperamental at times was mainly under control with medication. The agency were not willing to take the risk and advised he could train with the condition they he pay additional training fees and had a shorted time period to pay it back after debuting.

A debt he couldn't afford, not when his parents had left him with his grandmother for a holiday weekend and never came back. His grandmother had been left to raise him, she encouraged his love of music even before his parents abandoned them both. Since that day so many years ago Byun Woojin has been the centre of his world. He just couldn't let unpaid training debts befall her shoulders, so with a heavy heart he dropped out of the trainee program. Focusing instead on his studies, he still too this day has no idea how he managed to graduate top of the class both for his literature and music classes. Especially when he had a flare up and was unwell for what felt like months. Beating those snotty chaebol heirs to the number one spot, was the icing on the cake considering he had to give up his dream. He had every intention of leaving for Seoul to make use of his literature degree, and had his heart set on becoming an editor at publishing house.

Sadly life got in the way, his beloved nana had a stroke six months after he graduated. The final sign he needed to remain close to the woman who had raised him in place of his parents. Ending his career before it started, he never regretted it Woojin made an almost full recovery, his beloved nana was lucky that the only thing effected was her ability to walk with out a cane. Since her stroke she had lost the interest in the little farm she had just outside of town. Wanting to be closer to the town she bought a cottage in the town with enough space for her flourishing vegetable garden and for her only grandchild to stay. Baekhyun may be a fully fledged adult now at 24, and really be making his own stamp on the world. The terror of leaving his nana alone scared him enough to return for good. Choosing to stay with his nana rather then rent his own place, his heat content to watch her still bash him away from the kitchen every time he is home before her knitting club. It's not a a secret that the Nana Byun has a more social life then he does.

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