A Mother's Advice

185 20 16

Two Weeks Later
Chanyeol sits waiting for the most important and only woman in his life his mother. Patiently waiting at her favourite tea room, the one that's at the exclusive lobby lounge inside the Park Hyatt Seoul. Excited to be reunited with her even if it's just for a pot of tea, the pristine intimate cafe is an oasis of calm in the always bustling city.  Outside the window the chaos of rush hour rules the streets as cars toot and honk all the way down the intersection. Yet here in this swanky hotel lounge, with its splashes of red and blue velvet sofas it's an oasis of peace and quiet.

Much needed peace and quiet as he battles with his head and heart, his head screams at him to be gentle and take things slowly with the younger man that has captured his heart, but his heart is yearning for a more intimate and physical relationship. He's desperate to feel
The softness of that irredentist skin against his own, feel the texture of those beautiful piano playing fingers across his own body.

Nope he needs to not think about spreading out his boyfriend when he's about to meet his mother in a popular hotel. The plus is that this  hotel has a higher security budget and the patrons here will not bat an eye at him sitting around the lounge, as he waits for his always in demand mother. He used to hate how her being a member of the senate kept her away from home when he was an anxiety ridden chubby high schooler. Now though he's more aware of the political rights she advocates for, and couldn't be prouder of the reforms she's helped create and endorse. Some causes he himself a staunch supporter of.

He's not invited her to tea to talk politics, Charities or their usual catch up over ginseng tea. Today he wants to talk about the young gorgeous silver haired songbird he's met and become infatuated with. Hoping that he has her blessing to support their relationship, not that's she's ever been against his choices, his mother like countless others who had sons probably all wish the same. That their sons bring home a partner from a nice family, and didn't sleep around with anything that moves. As he had done when fame truly hit all those years ago, and it was easier to sneak about

The rattle of the china teacups breaks him out of his thoughts, just in time to see a young girl probably around Baekhyun's age nervously set the tea cups down. All before scurrying away like a crab chasing the waves, he's too busy staring after the girl disappearing behind the kitchen doors to notice his mother's smile. Almost jumping out of his skin his self when he hears her voice. "You Know it's rude to stare my darling boy!" All before she breaks into a happy laugh at catching him off guard, he's not ashamed of the whine he lets even if he is a fully functioning 36 year old man.

"Omma, don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Serves you right for checking out a member of the staff here and of opposite sex too!"

"I'm I I was not checking her out! You know I'm gay I don't find females at all to my taste. The poor thing scuttled off before I could say thank you."

"At least you remember to think about manners it's good to see that you being famous hasn't got to your head yet. You know I'm only teasing, but it's fun to see your face like that. Is this the yakgwa I like and my favourite tea Chanyeol you shouldn't have!"

"I don't get to treat you often as I should Omma, please enjoy the tea as I know you will be working late am I right!"

He can't help but smile as his mother conveniently dodges the questions about her work, they both nurture the very limited time they have together and try not to talk about work. Even when he values her insight above all others, and still to this day calls her about script choices, Park Hana has never made a wrong decision yet. What does surprise him is the way his mother tilts her still youthful face much like a curious puppy that glossy chestnut hair capturing the light as much now as it did 20 years ago. It's very clear who he got his looks from, he's a carbon copy of his mother save for his own hair in its natural state it's the same shade as his father's was. He always feels a pant in his chest when he remembers his father and the laugh he had.

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