Day Three

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                  Day Three
               (9:42 a.m)

I ended up reading a book called Savvy. It wasn't very interesting but I had fun learning the words. Master said he would eventually teach me to write as well.

Currently I am in the bath, looking out the large, arched window, out into the field of flowers that I longed to touch. Colors blended and contrasted and sometimes they were an eyesore for master, but for me, I loved them. I wanted to go outside and feel their soft petals, to feel their leaves caress my skin.

I never mentioned this to my master because I'm not sure he likes the flowers. Whenever they hurt his eyes he closes the shades. I look down at the bubbles sullenly, I'm grateful Rosa chose "Rose Recreation" as the scent but I'm sure it's not the same. Rosa is the only soul alive that knows I long to be outside with the flowers.

The doorknob clicked and in came Rosa, as if on cue, with my clothes that I had left on the bed. Yesterday, She also had taken my duffel bag, emptied it, disposed of the too tight pants, and put away the nice clothes Elliot had boughten me. She really was like a mother. I smiled at her a bit sadly and she caught on right away.

"Rosa?" She looks at me with a frown, then nods. "Rosa, I want to go outside." I look back down at the pretty pink bubbles surrounding me. I begin to pop them one by one. "Master doesn't like outside," she says simply, her French accent clear. I sigh quietly, looking back at the flowers.

"Why not?" She sits down on the toilet seat, that's closed, and crosses her legs. She puts my clothes on the Ma'am counter and looks back at me. "I'm going to tell you a story, but you cannot tell ze Master I told you," she says sternly. Oh yes, just like a mother. I smile at her, nodding and drawing an nonexistent X where my heart is. I was intrigued by her accent, how she could pronounce some T's but others she couldn't? It was interesting and when I got well enough in English I hoped to learn to speak in French.

She nods quietly before starting. "When Master was a little boy he used to love ze flowers, zhey were his favorite zhing in ze world. He loved ze pretty colors and ze pretty trees and ze pretty plants. But one day, his little sister, Christina, was playing in ze father's garden. Ze children knew not to go into father's garden because father liked to keep ze pet snakes there. Yeah? Master had only ever looked at ze garden, never went inside because he knew what would happen. He wasn't watching Christina at ze time and she wandered in zhere, entranced by ze colorful flowers," she pauses and takes a deep breath.

Christina was his little sister who wandered into the father's garden. What kind of father keeps snakes in a garden?! Where he knows his children are playing near?! I felt horrible. I had seen him frown at the flowers when bathing. Why had I not known? It was clear on his face when I said they were beautiful. I keep messing things up and now my head is pounding with guilt. I want to shove my face in my hands and do what I know best, cry.

"Rocky, one of ze poisonous snakes, bit her leg. She fell into ze big rose bushes, getting scratched up everywhere. Zhen more snakes gathered up on her, biting and biting, zhey were so very angry," she looks down at her lap with unshed tears in her eyes.

"Zhat garden you see out zhere, zhat is father's garden," she sharply inhales before looking at me. "You must never go into ze garden, do you understand?" I nod quickly, promising Rosa I won't.

"Master came outside with ze snacks I had prepared. But Christina was nowhere in sight. Master and I searched everywhere but we could not find her. Zhen we knew where she had gone. We looked into ze father's garden and saw her, drowning in ze snakes. She could not breathe, honte! I had screamed for ze master to get ze shovel and when I had it I ran inside ze garden. I smacked all ze snakes with ze shovel, getting bit on my arm by Leo, ze non-poisonous one, and dragged Christina out," she looks up at me and smiles softly.

"You know, you resemble Christina a lot, with ze pretty brown hair and ze pretty brown eyes," she sighs, "ze quietness, ze politeness, ja, you are very much like Christina," she smiles sadly and continues on.

"Once we got her out of ze garden I told master to run and get Elliot. I saw all ze bites on her arms and legs and I knew she was not with us. But I tried anyway. I tried to suck ze poison out, Elliot tried, we both failed. She was gone. Christina was ze only one I ever liked to talk to because ze other master was always reading ze books, we would have ze pretty tea parties," her voice starts to quiver, "and ze pretty doll houses and ze pretty cupcake maker, ah, she was my best friend," she pause looking up to the ceiling, "Je t'aime," she says softly, her tears finally flowing down her flushed cheeks.

"What does that mean?" I asked softly, feeling a bit blue by the story. Feeling guilt and sadness and shame and hurt and sorrow.

"Je t'aime?" She laughs a little hollowly. "It means I loved her," she smiles at me, cheek to cheek, with tears still flowing. She gets up and bows at me, "thank you for letting me talk with you, Master Christopher," she says wiping her tears. She picks up my dirty clothes from the floor and walks out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

My master doesn't like flowers because of what happened. After about ten minutes I decide it's time to get out of the bath. I stand grabbing two fluffy, blue towels that were set on the Ma'am counter. I wrap one around my waist and begin towel drying my hair with the other.

I cannot speak a word about this to master. Rosa would never trust me again. After I slipped on my clothes, a sweatshirt and sweatpants, I began to brush out my hair. I was learning the everyday things I needed to know. Usually my old master would brush my hair for me, brush my teeth for me, but no, She wasn't here doing that now.

After brushing my hair and teeth I step outside of the bathroom and into the bedroom. My master is there, like he always is, reading. His legs are crossed at the ankles and his gaze is still in the thick, boring book. I smile sadly, knowing why everywhere in the house had flowers except his room and bathroom. It's because he misses her.

"Master?" I'm guessing he heard how dry and hoarse my voice was because he put down the book and looked up at me in confusion. He stands, rushing over to me. Checking my face, body, arms, everywhere.

"Master, I'm fine," I laugh a little quietly. "I just, I want to go outside," I say softly. He looks down at me and frowns. I cup his cheek in my hands and look up at him. I sense the sorrow and worry.

It was then that I decide to tell him. "I want to see the flowers, Master, I've always loved them, they're so beautiful and bright," I smile wide. I'm happy because he's happy. Although he looks worried, I know he wants me to experience outside. He frowns, embracing me tightly.

I look up at my master and for the first time, I truly feel happy. Completely and utterly happy. I'm glad I was sold so many times. If I wasn't I wouldn't have met my master. Although I may be used, although I may be skronny, although I might not be perfect, I know in his eyes I am. He wants to protect me.

Hopefully one day, Master and I will get married. Yes, I hope that happens. Maybe because I really like master, maybe, just maybe, I might even love him.


Flowers are so pretty omg, literally did nothing to this chapter at all so I may as well post it

Im on fiyaaaaa ;)

Character count: 1434

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