Day Five

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Day Five
   (2:27 a.m)

I woke up groggily to vomit passing my lips, oozing on to my pillow. I was in the E.R I noticed. White walls, white floors, white sheets; scary. My master had his fist to his chin and was asleep. He had worry written all over his tired face and I'm sure he hadn't slept well the past few days. His hair was flat, his curls seemingly lost.

The more I scanned the room the more panicked I became. Vomit was rising in my throat. Elliot sat in one of the waiting chairs a couple feet away from master. He was on the phone with who I assumed to be Rosa. He was whispering and had horrible bags under his eyes.

There was my bed, a chair with master, and two chairs across the room. There was a door leading to the bathroom, a large window, a heater, and even a TV. When did hospitals become so fancy?

A nurse pulled back the white curtains and I vomited straight on my lap. Tainting the white sheets orange. Disgusted with myself I shut my eyes and gave out a groan. The nurse mumbled a few things to Elliot, seeming to not notice I barfed all over myself. I could make out the words, "food poisoning" and "sedated."

Food poisoning.

I vomited again, this time with spots of blood. It hurt tremendously, I clutched my stomach and shut my eyes. It felt like a meat grinder inside. My stomach twisting every which way. My head was pounding. The nurse rushed over to me calling out to other nurses. One came in with a large looking needle as I tried to hold back the upcoming vile.


I couldn't make any sound. No words passed my lips, only foam and blood and vomit. I wanted to reject, I wanted to protest the idea of the needle, but Elliot was there holding my hand, on the other side, my master was also there, holding my hand and intertwining our fingers. I could see the bags under his eyes yet he still smiled at me.

Do you know that blur of a moment, like when you're first waking up, nothing visible or audible but a faint ringing? That's what it felt like. I was dizzy and nauseous.

I vomited once more, not a huge amount as to when I first arrived but small puddles mixed with foam, straight onto one of the nurses shiny shoes. She ignored it and brushed the hair out of my face. "It's gonna be okay, sweetie," she assured me. Just then, they wiped my arm with an alcohol pad. I was beginning to panic. The nice nurse with vibrant hazel eyes looked at me determined.

"Try to hold it in, okay? If you vomit we have to redo it," she told me, referring to the needle, her eyes set on my arm. I was shaking with fear, I nodded in understanding and held my breath. Vomit was rising, I could feel it, but I kept it at bay.

After the needle they put what was called an IV in me. It kept me sleepy but I didn't want to sleep, I wanted to look at my master. Although he looked exhausted and sullen he was still as perfect as always. He had pulled the chair up beside the bed and was holding my hand. His free hand stroking my hair that was sticking to my face from my fever.

He was saying things but I couldn't listen and concentrate that well. I was in and out of sleep. In and out of conscienceness.

I made out a few sentences however. Ones that I could hear ever so faintly. Such as him calling me beautiful, the harder I tried to keep my eyes open the more he whispered for me to sleep. The more I groaned in pain the more he whispered how beautiful I was, even with foam dripping down my chin. But the one that caught my attention immediately, the one that made me smile in my unconscienceness, the one phrase that's used all around the world but felt so special to me-

Je vous aime.

Mind you I rarely heard my master's voice, so even with tubes in my nose and an IV in my arm I still felt happy. Thank you, Rosa.

With my old master I never heard those words. Being rented I was always used and bruised and bloody. I was an emotional wreck without me even realizing. Constantly being forced into sex with old dirty men.

Regardless of the pain dwelling in my stomach and throat, however, I was cheesing.

My throat was raw and there were tears in my eyes as I tried desperately to respond. I clutched his hand as strongly as I could, which wasn't very strong, and smiled at him. The widest, brightest, realist smile I've ever smiled. I don't know my parents. I don't remember my childhood. I remember men, blood, sex, and silence.

Not here, here I had made new memories. Ones I'm sure I'll never forget. Maybe, just maybe, I might stay here forever. Along side my master, with Rosa and Elliot. Along with the other maids and butlers.

I felt like I had a family.

Je vous aime, master.


I'm sneaking bits of French in here ;) the only phrases I know LOL, but I like how this is coming along its too cute.

also one of my close friends corrected my use of French in the last chapter (3 I mean) so it won't be an update but an edit, keep up honey buns :)

Sorry this isn't as long as the other chapters but thank you for reading it anyway :)

Character count: 958

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