Day Seven

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Day Seven
  (12:38 pm)

I had told master I wanted to stay. The only fault in this is that I had to alert my old master of my decision. I put that aside for now though.

Currently, master and I were working on the new house. He already had some people, by some I mean a lot, build it. We just needed to paint it first then shop for furniture.

The small house was really pretty, actually. It had two bedrooms, which I questioned all the time, two bathrooms, an attic, a kitchen with a breakfast bar, and a really big living room. It was small compared to the mansion but in actuality it was a pretty big house.

Did I mention we had a backyard and even a garage?

Master said the house should be painted whatever color I wanted, and so we went to this fancy collector that had rows of paints perfectly in line. I scanned all the colors and furrowed my eyebrows. "I feel like this is a really big decision and I might mess it up," I frowned. He rolled his eyes and put his arm around my shoulder.

"It'll be perfect just like you," he kissed my temple grinning from ear to ear.

I think master had broken his habit of not speaking, now he was always speaking. Always telling me how beautiful and perfect I am. Not that I mind it at all. It's done wonders on my self esteem.

It's funny because in the beginning, he was always quiet. On my first day he jumped me, I liked it, but he didn't continue. I saw a faint blush that day but chose to ignore it. We've come so far as kissing freely and holding hands.

And I know why he didn't continue either. He didn't want it to be forced. He wanted my consent and wanted me to be comfortable with it because he wasn't those other men. He wasn't just going to beat me bloody and bone me senseless.

                 Je vous aime.

My thoughts took me back to that night over and over again, I might possibly love him, and trust me, that's more than comfortable.

After deciding on lavender paint for the bedroom, azure for the other bedroom, and mint green for the living room, we head over to the not so finished house. It's at that time I decide it's too many colors.

I had trouble opening the lavender paint, and was pouting furiously at the can. Master came over, knelt beside me, and laughed. "Here, let me show you."

He grabbed the screwdriver from me and began to fiddle with it, sticking it inbetween the lid and bucket. It eventually popped opened and he stirred the paint with the mixing stick to smooth it out.

I stuck my tongue out at him, cursing under my breath.

Did I tell you that master had told me to stop calling him master? And to start calling him by his actual name? Which was Cade. It was strange. I had never heard the name before, and as a I didn't have a last name, he told me to take his. Tyler.

So Cade Tyler and Christopher Tyler resided at a large house with Rosa and Elliot occasionally checking in and trying their best to convince us to let them work there.

Obviously we told them no, we wanted our house to be just that, ours. We would do dishes together and mop and sweep and whatever the hell else you do in a house. I was actually looking forward to it.

Cade rolled his eyes and poked my cheek. "If you're gonna space out, do so some other time, not while we have so much work to do," he whined. I giggled, swatting his hand away.

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