Day Six

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Day Six
(7:09 a.m)

The hospital finally said I could leave, I had stopped vomiting. My sides didn't hurt. I wasn't spitting up blood. I was okay.


More like groggy and completely grouchy. Elliot had brought me new clothes that I changed into quite some time ago. Simple sweatpants and a hoodie, he knew I felt most comfortable in them. Elliot was at home waiting with Rosa and today, Master was here alone. He smiled at me, not looking as tired and gloomy as he had the day before. I shuffled on my feet a bit before finally looking at his stormy grey blue eyes.

"May I hold your hand, Master?" I was glad I got to hear his voice, but I didn't find it fair. I wasn't necessarily awake to quite pay attention to it or appreciate it. I felt like I had missed out on a large opportunity.

He grinned at me, silently laughing to himself before nodding. I slid my fingers between his, feeling his coarse hands against mine. He began walking, with my bag on his shoulder and hand in mine, out into the hallway.

"Shouldn't we wait here for discharge papers, Master?" I asked, suddenly confused but then seemingly realizing Elliot probably already handled all the paperwork and finances. I grimaced. How much money did they spend on me? I surely didn't have medical insurance.

I would ask Elliot later in private. I'll somehow pay him back, whether it be by renting myself or not.

Though I'm not sure my Master liked the idea of selling myself. Whenever I told him about my old master he got extremely upset.

"I own this hospital, actually," he murmured and I ignored it completely. I wasn't at all comfortable with the mansion and the hospital, and the millions of other things he had. At least he didn't flaunt his money around.

I squeezed my master's hand and realized I had spaced out, as we were already in his fancy foreign car. When did that happen? He had one hand on the wheel, and the other interlocked with mine atop the compartment drawer in the center. He glanced at me every so often with a faint smile. His smiled seemed fake.


"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked bemused. Caught off guard, I flinched at his voice. I loved the sound of it but when he speaks so suddenly it frightens me, as I don't expect it. I barely hear his voice and last night it felt like my chest was going to explode.

I'm still mentally thanking Rosa for teaching me that one phrase in French, if she hadn't talked to me that day I would've never known what he said. I smiled to myself, cheek against my hand and gaze out the window.

"What are you thinking about?" He frowned, eyes on the road. I smiled to myself again before I blurted out, "you of course." He seemed to chuckle before he brought my hand, still interlocked with his, to his lips and kissed my knuckles softly.

It seemed like we had been driving for a long time and I frowned. Were we not going to the mansion? I didn't question my master though, that was disrespectful and I was taught better. I looked out the window, seeing numerous trees pass by but no buildings. Where were we?

He seemed to catch on to my curiosity because he beamed at me and said, "It's a secret." I rolled my eyes at how childish master could be, though I acted the same way. In a way I loved the childish, immature side of my master. He wasn't as serious and intimidating. Also the fact that he talked more often than not.

He drove into this large plot of land that was vacant. I repeated my question in my head several times, thinking it would at least answer itself. He opened the door, and as I was about to open mine, he grabbed my wrist lightly. "I got it," he grinned.

I must say, I was a bit weirded out by master smiling and talking so much. It's not that I disliked it more so the fact it would take some getting used to.

After he opened the door for me, I got out. My eyes roamed all around, every surrounding, and he grabbed my hand again and I smiled at him. Although, I didn't know what we were looking at. It was a vast piece of land, full of grass that was cut short, and a small stream was behind it. Woods around too but they didn't stop the sun from reaching it.

                       The sky.

My eyes roamed over the sky, almost cloudless save for a few with a cotton candy colored sky. Blues and pinks swirling into violets, the beautiful colors so deep and vibrant, but soft so as not to cause an eyesore.

I cocked my head a bit and looked up at my master. He beamed at me and tightened his grip on my hand.

"This will be our new home," he explained. My eyes widened and I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?" I asked for conformation.

"Well, if you decided to stay with me I thought we would get a small house here. I know you're not very comfortable with the largeness of the mansion, and you get lost a lot," he chuckled sheepishly.

A house. With master. Do I even have to ask myself if I want to? He leaned down and kissed my nose. "Think about it, I'm not forcing you," he smiled softly. I bit my lower lip and hugged my master as tight as I could, stuffing my face into his chest.

I want to live with master, I want to. I want to. I want to. But, what about my old one? Would I leave her? Man, I hated her but she gave me everything. She cleaned me and made sure I stood alive, she fed me before she fed herself.

"Oh, are you hungry?" My stomach growled as if to answer yes and he grinned. "Anything you want, just no Chinese food."

I was still flustered and just nodded at him. Thoughts of Emily swirled in my head. Her goodbye seemed to acknowledge that I was already too far gone for her to reach.

Do I really even need to think this over? The answer was obvious. My conscience was screaming at me, his hand pulling his hair from stress as his groaned at me. He's better for you, he yelled to me.

I know.


Okay sooooooooo this is happening I guess, it's really hard for me to even post this story because of how many cringes it gives me but it's cute so it's okay :)

I'm trying my best to update this a lot and I'd say I'm doing pretty good. :) I've edited the entire story and changed it a bit from the original so if you've already read this story and are reading it again, sorry and thank you for sticking with me!

I've also been thinking about making a "before" kinda thing where Chris wasn't even Chris and Chris was actually working and on his own. Before he met Emily and stuff.

Character count: 1211

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