Side Chapter

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I have realized that i incredibly messed up on chapter 8 and that i needed to redo it all over again, i will give you this short sidestory that isn't of course included in the plot so... Enjoy! ^^


You were laying doing on the couch scrolling through endless pictures on instagram when someone suddenly starts calling you, jumping slightly that your phone fell from your grasp and collides with your face making a loud whack sound.


You grunted, you sat up and rubbed your nose as you look at your phone to see the contact.

You were suprised as you see the contact name.

Krel Tarron..

By this time, you have already found out Krel and Aja's little secret, you of course kept it as a secret from your other friends, including Matthew.

You sighed and answered it.

"I'm quite suprised that you know how use that phone of yours and call me"

Krel chuckled making you gulp, he's laugh was so deep and charming that anyone that hears it would immediately fall on their knees.

"I just found out how on this internet that you showed me"

He exclaimed, you taught the Tarron siblings on how to use human technology and aswell as people what like and don't like as to keep their secret hidden more and blend in the society.

And aswell taught them that they couldn't just take things from the stores as if it was free and that they need money to pay for the items they've took.

You laughed, glad that he took your advice and search up the internet for information.

"So, why'd you call me?"

Silence took over, Krel didn't reply to your questioned for atleast a minute before breaking the silence.

"C-Can you... Come over.?"

He questioned sounding nervous, you laughed and replied back at him.

"Of course!"

You exclaimed, after that he hang up on you making you confused, maybe something came up and wanted you to come over as soon as possible.

You got up from the couch and fixed your hair and clothing as you put on your shoes and rushing out the door in a flash, closing it of course, don't want no robbers breaking in.

You ran your way to Tarron's house arriving there rather quickly and ringing on their doorbell.

Aja opened the door and brightly smiled at you.

"Y/N! So glad that you came here!"

She exclaimed and hugged you, you hugged her back and letting go.

"Krel told me to come over, did something happen?"

You said as Aja lets you in the house and look around to where that DJ boy is.

"Brother would have told me if there's a problem but i don't think there is any"

She shrugged, you looked down the hall and asked

"Is Krel in his room?"

She nodded, you knocked on his door.

"Hey Krel, it's me Y/N"

You said waiting for a reply, you hear the door being unlocked and opening it slightly.

You barged in not too loudly though and found Krel sitting on his bed eyes on his new phone that you've bought him.

You went on and closed the door and sitting on gis bed next to him.

"You asked me to come over, what's up?"

You questioned, getting a bit concerned for your friend.

"Nothing is wrong, i just wanted you to come over here..."

He blushed and rubs the back of his neck.

A blushed came on from his cheeks and asked a rather suprising question.

"Do you love... Matthew??"

You widen your eyes in suprised as a slight blush crept on your cheeks.

"I saw you always looking at him"

He looks down having a deep feeling in him as his brows furrowed.

"Yeah i do... For a long time now.."

You said looking down at your palms.

Krel on the other hand bit his lower lip trying to contain his jealousy, little did you know that he has been crushing on you since you guys first met and it's slowly eating him inside that he knew that you liked someone else, and not him...

He felt like crying but kept it in. He lowered his head down even more not even making eye contact with you.

You noticed this and lightly placed your hand on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?-"

He shrugged your hand off before you can even finish your sentence which suprised you.

He gets up still not making eye contact.

"I'll be back..."

He said in a rather agressive and depressed tone.

You were confused, he left you there in his bedroom feeling kinda sad.

Is there something that you've said to make him upset..?

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