Chapter 17: The Ancient Messenger, of Either Light or Shadow; Part 3

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Then we see that Touma and Yamato stops from here as the Yeit Megid was ready to battle, and two of them turns to everyone.

Touma: Everyone, run!

Yamato: Hurry!

Then everyone was running away as soon as possible, and the Yeti Megid was growling and rushing towards them. When the Yeti Megid was about to punch them, but Touma and Yamato then blocks its fist as they were slashing and drags at it forward more and more. Then two of them stabs it from 5ft away distance.

Touma: [Turns to Yamato] Yamato-san, we'll use our fire against it!

Yamato: Got it!

[Timeskip to 1:11]

Touma then docking his sword in the belt and press the trigger.

Hissatsu Dokuha!

Touma then pulls his sword out of the driver.

Rekka Battou!

Rekka draw sword!


Yamato then taps on the Unifying Chimera Wonder Ride Book in his driver on the first page as it speaks.

Unifying Chimera!

Yamato: Chimera Wonder!

Dragon! Eagle! Saiyuu Journey! Sansatsu Geki! F-F-F-Fire!

Then the Yeti Megid using its right hand to freeze them, but suddenly, Touma then creates a fire tornado that envelops the icy powers as the tornado hits it. Then Yamato was surrounding his right fist with flames, then launches a red mechanical lion from his arm that homing at the Yeti Megid which it hits it. Causing the Yeti Megid knocks out away from 15 ft distance away and rolling on the ground.

Yamato: This our chance, Touma-san!

Touma: Yeah!

As the Yeti Megid was standing up, we see that Touma and Yamato leaps up and tries to slash it. As they were about to slash it, something just blocked their slashing attack to see is a double-edge sword. Which it was Legeiel, as he moves their swords away and tries to swinging them.

Then two of them moves or leaps up to dodge his attack, as they're in the landing zone.

Yamato: His-

Touma: Legeiel!

Legeiel: Please don't get in our way. [Looks at Yamato] Is pleasure to meet you, Elements Swordsman, enjoying the first battle yet.

Yamato: [Scoffs] Don't make me laugh!

Touma: Calibur's gone! Isn't this over?!

Legeiel: [Evil chuckles] We were only using him.

Causing Touma and Yamato shocking, surprised, and eye widened to hear of what he said.

Touma: Huh?!

Yamato: What?! Using him?!

Legeiel: He did quite well... but his loss does not change in our ultimate goal!

Suddenly, Legeiel then transforms into his Megid form at will.

Suddenly, Legeiel then transforms into his Megid form at will

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