Chapter 17: The Ancient Messenger, of Either Light or Shadow; Part 5

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Then we see that Yuri was slashing at the Yeti Megid quickly enough to cut it, as the Yeti Megid was struggle to fight back while tries to attack Yuri. As the Yeti Megid was about to block his slash attack with its left arm, but Yuri slashing its left arm causing the Yeti Megid to rolling on the ground. As Yuri was about to strike it, the Yeti Megid then blocks it and grabs the edge of the blade.

As the Yeti Megid was getting up, then use the power of ice with its mouth that freezes Yuri when he was unable to move while being frozen in block of ice.

Yuri: Good idea, but how fruitful will it be?

When Yuri then pressing the button on the side of the Kin no Buki Gin no Buki Wonder Ride Book of its sword, suddenly, an golden flashing light appears in entire whole body as it goes to.

[Timestop to 0:15]

Then something has happened that the shadow came out of nowhere on the ground, and starting to gets up while it pops out on the ground.

Who is this? Saikou Nisho! Hikari kara umareshi kage! Shadow!

Who is this? Saikou Chapter Two! A silhouette born from within the light! Shadow!

Who is this? 最光二章! 光から生れし影!シャドー!

Causing the Yeti Megid shocking, surprised, and eye widened including three of them to see that.

Yamato: The hell?!

Mei: A shadow?!

Then the shadow appears itself while getting up, which it'll be Saikou Shadow.

Then, the shadow just kicks the Yeti Megid's arm out of Yuri in the mid-air which he lights himself to enabling to move

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Then, the shadow just kicks the Yeti Megid's arm out of Yuri in the mid-air which he lights himself to enabling to move. As the shadow grabs Yuri to wield like a sword, then Yuri was controlling the shadow as he slashes at the Yeti Megid when its rolling on the ground. Causing three of them to shocking, surprised, and eye widened to see that.

Yamato: [Turns to Yuri] Awesome!

Yuri: This is the power of the Sword of Light.

As the Yeti Megid was getting up, then the shadow was being able to turn into a dark cloud as it goes to the Yeti Megid. Then it appears in front of the Yeti Megid as Yuri is slashing at it causing to falling on the ground. Causing three of them to shocking, surprised, and eye widened to see that.

Yamato: [Yells at Yuri] Yuri-san! Stop it!

Mei: Guys, stop him! He's going to cut down Yuki-san!

Touma then gets up and rushing towards at Yuri to stop for cutting her down, causing Yamato to realized and notice something.

Yamato: Touma-san wait-!

Touma: Stop!

As Touma was about to stop him, but he went through him as he hits himself on the ground.

Touma: Huh? Ow!

Causing two of them to shocking, surprised, and eye widened to see that.

Mei: Eh?! What is going on here?!

Yamato: I knew it, is like intangibility. You can't stop him, when its in the shadow form.

We see that the shadow then throws Yuri at the Yeti Megid while the shadow went down on the ground with its quicker movement. When Yuri was nearly at the Yeti Megid, then the shadow pops out and grabs Yuri while slashing at it many times as possible. Then the shadow goes down on the ground again, as Yuri was keep slashing at it.

As the Yeti Megid was struggle to fight back, the shadow pops out again and grabs Yuri. Yuri then slashes it up in the mid-air, also he can use its elastic body for the legs to go up and then slashes at the Yeti Megid causing to send it on the ground. As Yuri was floating in the mid-air.

Yuri: This flash shall save the world. Disappear in the light!

[Timeskip to 0:17]

Then Yuri is pressing the button on the side of the Kin no Buki Gin no Buki Wonder Ride Book of its sword.

Saikou Hakkou!

Saikou Lumination!


Causing three of them to shocking, surprised, and eye widened of knowing what his doing.

Yamato: No way, is he gonna-?!

[Timeskip to 1:53-2:07]

Touma then press the trigger.

Dragonic Hissatsu Dokuha!

Touma: Stop!!!

Touma then pulls his sword out of the driver.

Rekka Battou!

Rekka draw sword!


Touma then rushing towards them, as the shadow becomes a black tornado with the golden particles sparkles itself towards at the Yeti Megid.

Dragonic Hissatsu Geki!

As Touma was in front of the Yeti Megid, he performs a horizontal slash enhanced by red energy at Yuri to hit it. Causing the explosion as Touma and the Yeti Megid on the ground. Then the Yeti Megid was slamming on the ground, and then gets up and walks away immediately.

Causing two of them to see the Yeti Megid leaves away.

Mei: [Gasps and pause] Yuki-san...

Yamato then takes out his book from the driver as his form just got canceling.

Yamato: [Relief] Thank goodness she's fine.

Then Yuri's entire body was glowing in golden as the shadow was merge into him. Then Yuri's form just got canceling as well as he gets up and disappointed at Touma.

Yuri: Why did you get in my way?!

Touma then gets up and turns to Yuri, as he takes out his book from the driver as his form just got canceling as well also.

Touma: I... I will save Yuki-san!

Yuri: It looks like I have nothing in common with the current batch of swordsman!

Causing Yamato to shocking, surprised, and eye widened to hearing of what he said.

Yamato: Huh?!

Suddenly, his eyes go colorful as rainbow as he sees a vision to see Touma is trying to stop Rintaro from cutting Yuki. Then, the vision ended it causing Yamato to go to his knees out of the exhaustion. Mei then notice Yamato who is kneeling out of the exhaustion.

Mei: Yamato...?

Yamato: That vision...?! 

Then, we see that Reika was hiding and watching them their battle as she was curious to see that.

Reika: [Smiles] Not bad your are as a ultimate swordsman, Yamato Ichigami.

1,033 Words

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