Chapter 18: The Flame's Obsession, Defeating the Megid; Part 3

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Afterwards in the Fantastic Bookstore Kamiyama, we see that Touma was being treated wound by Mei who is bandaged his left arm as Yamato was watching them.

Mei: Stupid Rintaro... That stubborn, little dimwit!

As Mei was tied the bandage harder, Touma was making a whiny moment as Mei was apologizing to him.

Mei: Crap, my bad!

Then we see that Yuri was trying to get something out in the slot machine.

Yuri: Stop whining over such a minor injury.

As he got out the blue plastic ball, he opens it and revealed to be a toy little bear figure before picks it up.

Yuri: It's a bear.

Touma: [Stands up while holding his left arm] We have to do something...

Yamato: But like what exactly?

Yuri: What are you even trying to do?

As Yuri was trying to get something out in the slot machine again, Touma and Yamato then walk towards him. Then Yuri got out the orange plastic ball while looks at it.

Touma: I want to save Yuki-san.

Yamato: Me too.

As Yuri was looking at the orange plastic ball...

Yuri: [Throws the orange plastic ball behind] Then strike her down.

As it hits Touma and fells down on the ground, it revealed to be a two toys little figures. A deadly silent moment...

Mei: There was something that Yuki-san taught me when I first became an editor.


Yuki: Books should create worlds that bring happiness to the people who read them. [Turns to Mei] Never forget that. Our job is to make sure our readers get to experience those worlds.

Mei: [Nodded her head and smiles] Yes ma'am! 

End of Flashback

Mei: Yuki-san made me realize just how important my job was. I get it how important your job as a swordsman is. [Stands up and walk towards them] However... I want to save Yuki-san no matter what.

Touma: [Turns to her] I'll save her. I promise.

Causing Yamato to shocked and surprised to hear of what he said.

Yamato: [Whispers to himself] Promise?

Causing Mei to nodded her head to him, as Touma turns to Yuri.

Touma: Hear me out.

Yuri then stands up and turns to him.

Touma: This world is filled with people. People who are working their hardest to make it what it is today. [Picking the objects on the ground and put it back inside] To me, protecting the world means the same thing... As protecting the people who live it in.

Causing Yamato to smile at Touma.

Yamato: Touma-san.

Touma then gives the orange plastic ball to Yuri, as he grabs it.

Yuri: The people make the world? Interesting.

As Yuri is looking down at the direction, he walks forward.

Yuri: I see. [Picks up the SwordXMan comic book] It appears the significance of "protecting the world" has changed over the past 1,000 years. [Turns to Touma] In that case, show me. Show me what it means to protect both the world and its people.

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