chapter 68

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As we neared the resort I pointed out of the window.

“ Beautiful, look over there.’ I said and watched as her face lit up in excitement and the crisp blue water and golden beach of the coastal line came into view.

‘ oh my god Phillip, it the beach! I’ve never been to the beach! Its so beautiful! Are we really going there? Thank you thank you thank you!’ she cried out, I even saw the aircrew give a little smile.

Here we were and I realized this was the closest we would get to a honeymoon .

The landing on the private landing strip was smooth, was was the checkin with immigration and customs. Our bags were offloaded and taken away by our private staff, who would ensure our stay was more than comfortable.

“ for the first few days we are here, there is something I need your help with.” I told her as she sipped out of a straw from a big green coconut.

“ what is it?” she asked curiously. ‘ I figured this is where your resort is, the one with the strike issue.”

“ yes it is, and while it is my one of my more favorite investments, I haven’t actually been here.”

“ now your kidding!” she gasped.

“ No, like I said, I pay people to do things for me, so while we are here you and I are going to undertake a little espionage.”

“ what like secret agents spying?” she laughed.

“ exactly! Lets see what’s really going on here!”        

We didn’t need to check in, I was one of the major shareholders at this resort, although nobody knew that, all they knew that I was a rich investor honeymooning with his new wife and that wouldn’t be a hard role to pull off  and soon buggy came and drove us through the resort.

 I smiled at Victoria’s excitement, as she pointed out the pool and the beautiful architecture, taking pictures on her phone, the resort was built in two parts, the main resort that catered for its customers and the second, a exclusive two bedroom villa that was located in a private cove. It boasted its own private beach, private pool on a deck with sweeping views and while it was located quite a while away from the main facilities, it offered heaps of privacy.

It was late in the afternoon by the time we got there, and after an extended buggy ride around the resort we dropped at the main restaurant for an early dinner.

“ don’t you want to freshen up?” I asked her as we sat down.

“ its tempting, but if I have a shower all I’d be wanting is a soft comfy bed. Who knew travelling could be so tiring!” she said, stifling a yawn.

‘ Is sleep really the only thing you have on you  mind right now?” I asked, looking deep into her her eyes, and I knew the way her skin flushed pink and the goosebumps that tickled her skin, I knew it wasn’t.

She looked perfect, with the light of a nearby tiki torch dancing off her skin, the glow of the final rays of sunset illuminating the sky, casting a background behind her of the most glorious colors, I wouldn’t change the way she looked right now in a million years.

It was perfect.

Dinner consisted of local delicacies, some traditionally cooked, others with a bit more of a modern flair. While I knew she would love the food, what I really wanted her to experience was the evening show and as the sun set gave way to the depths of night, young shirtless men lathered in coconut oil and grass skirts came out of the shadows and lit up tiki torches that surrounded the stage.

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