A Ghastly Shock

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I lie Eliza down in her cot and dim the lights so she can sleep peacefully, then I turn around and to my surprise I see Tony stood in the doorway, watching. 

"How long have you been there? And why? Thought you'd be pretty hammered at this point," I say quietly. 

"Oh not long, couple minutes maybe? You're doing good, Red, you're a good mom to her,"he says. 

"Thanks Tony, but that doesn't answer my second question." 

"Right. I just wanted to watch so I know what to do if Pepper decides she wants kids. My dad was pretty crappy so I'm just picking things up as I go along," he says. 

"Pepper doesn't want kids?" I say. I close the door gently behind me. 


"She'll come around. And hey, you'd make great parents, honestly," I tell him. "I'm gonna go find Steve." 

"Okay," Tony says, and I walk down the corridor to where I last saw Steve. He's not there, only Adah on the sofa, biting her nails and staring at her phone screen. 

"You good?" I ask. She doesn't reply. "I said you good?"She looks up. 

"Oh right, yeah, I'm good. Sorta. What should I put?" I try to stop a smirk and go over to where she's sat, peering over her shoulder. The message she's typed so far consists only of the word 'hi, this is adah from training class.' 

"Send it," I say to her. 

"I don't know, she might think I'm weird-" her words stop mid sentence as I press the send button for her, and to both of our surprises the girl replies straight away. 

"What do I do now?" Adah says. 

"Just roll with it, and be yourself!" I call after her as I walk out of the room, trying to find Steve. I peer into some other room and as I'm scanning it with my eyes two strong arms wrap around me from behind and plant a kiss on my neck. 

"Looking for me?" he says. 

"How did you know?" I say back. 

"Well you weren't in our room - Eliza is snoring like a pig by the way - you weren't in the kitchen making a peanut butter sandwich and you weren't in the living area so I thought I'd find you looking somewhere down this corridor," he says, resting his head on top of mine."How's the ring?" 

"Beautiful," I tell him, and turn around, looking up at his face. His ocean blue eyes gaze down at me. 

"The others are through the other room, playing a game of some sort. Want to join in?" I ask. 

"Perhaps in a bit," he says, and takes my hand. 

"Where are we going?" 

"Come with me. You'll like it I promise," he replies. He leads me down corridors he didn't show me before, and around so many corners I can't believe he remembers the way. Then we go down another corridor until we reach a single wooden door. He opens it and I am taken aback by what I see. We are round the back of the compound, a big open grass plain stretches out far in front, only one thing stands out: a single weeping willow tree standing in the middle, it's branches dropping so low it's like there is a cave hidden inside it. But that's not the most magical part, oh gosh no. The most magical part of it all is the fairy lights that are carefully intertwined with every branch, from the top to the parts that fall and rest on the grass. I wonder what poor soul did all that. 

"Oh my days," I find myself saying out loud. 

"Do you like it?" Steve asks. He puts his arm around me and we start to walk towards it. 

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