The Day After You left

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The day after you left I just laid in my bed staring at the ceiling.

Thinking where it went wrong.

Thinking about all the things we did. About all the things we whispered to each other because it was one of those nights where we thought the air around us would break if we spoke to loud. All the secrets between you, me and the moon. All the sunsets we'd seen together where we just sat in silence. Every morning I woke up next to you enjoying your features, thinking you were the most beautiful man I have ever seen. I wish you could see that too. Thinking how many times you came home and put your arms around me, they felt like home. Thinking about all the days we drove around aimlessly, listening to that one song. I can never listen to it again the same way. All the nights we kissed under the stars.

Thinking about what I did wrong.

Thinking about how to continue without you by my side. Without you holding my hand and telling me that everything's gonna be just fine. Without your warmth in the dark.

Wondering when me loving you wasn't enough no more.

- M

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