Chapter 8-The Demonic Angel and A Request

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"I swear that headbutt still gives me headaches," Izuku said as both Mina and him walked down the hall. It had been a week since their clash, but somehow Kirishima's attack was enough to cause his head to ache still.

"Oh come on," Mina began, "you're fine Midoriya, stop overreacting." She teased him playfully, "besides, I'm pretty sure Jargön could withstand a blow like that." Izuku stopped in his tracks, "hmm, what's wrong?"

"Err...I always forget that you know about him," Izuku said before catching up to her. "I'm still sorry about what he did back then," he seemed to direct the next part at the demon himself, "it was totally out of line."

"Ah, don't worry about it," she waved her hand in front of her, "its water under the bridge." The way it moved really mimicked how water behaved, "anyway, are you ready for the field trip?"

"Eh," Izuku shrugged, "it kinda depends on what it is. If we just go to a museum or something it's going to be boring," he inflection shifted to a higher height, "buut, if we were to go and do something that deals with heroics, then that'd be interesting." With his brows raised, Izuku looked at Mina, "wasn't Eraserhead-Sensei supposed to tell us what it was today?"

"Yeah...I think so," she scratched the back of her head with embarrassment, "I sometimes zone out in class." The two entered the classroom; it was normal for the most part, but the usual nine was diminished to four. "Geez," Mina commented, "and to think we're only 15 minutes early. Where is everyone?"

"Beats me," Izuku gazed at the filled seat in front of his; why was Katsuki here before him? And just why was he getting out of his seat? "Well, I still hope that whatever the field trip is," Izuku tried to pay no attention to Katsuki as he continued on his warpath to the sliding door, "I just h-" His shoulder being grabbed interrupted his train of thought as he was pushed out of the classroom with ease.

"We need to talk about something," Izuku met Mina's worried gaze, "Deku." She had all the right to be, he'd told her about how he was in the past so she knew just what Katsuki was capable of.

"Don't worry about me," Izuku spoke as he passed the door's barrier, "I'll be fine, Ashido-San." Katsuki slammed the door shut, cutting off the duo's connection to the other five students. "So what is this about," Izuku met the blond's gaze as they continued to move through the hall, "Ka..." he used his feet to stop moving, "this is private enough; now what did you want to talk about?"

"What," Katsuki grabbed Izuku's collar before shoving him against the wall, "did you do to me Monday?" Judging on how harsh he was, Jargön was at the ready to fight this boy.

"I beat you is all," Izuku responded, "what do you want me to say it was a fluke? That I only bea-" a quick punch in the jaw stopped Izuku's tangent. Or at least the quick punch that never connected stopped it.

"Don't mess with me right now," Katsuki knew exactly what he was doing, "I know exactly what happened with you and Jargön." Izuku, surprised, ended his transformation and decided to let the demon materialize next to him. In a moment, the corrupted man appeared towering over the both of them.

"Jargön, acolyte of Izuku Midoriya, at your service," the demon spoke without bowing. "Now why did this asshole want to see me?" He asked, grabbing Katsuki's wrist in the progress.

"All I know is that he knows about you," Izuku explained, "look, just set me down Katsuki then we can talk about this calmly." With a bargain attempt that was surely to be shot down, Izuku negotiated his own release. After a few long moments, Izuku found his feet on the ground along with a fist no longer at his collar.

"Fine," Katsuki looked at Jargön up and down, "was he the one that got rid of the spirit?" Knowing exactly what the case was, Izuku nodded, "alright, well thanks to him I can hardly use my quirk." Katsuki set his hand out and attempted at using his power. Only sparks shot out from him, there was no massive explosion that usually erupted from it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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