Chapter 3-How To Live In The Dark

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"Kill"-means a character is speaking
"Murder"-A person's inner thoughts
Slaughter-An important detail for something such as a quirk
•••-break to past and or present
......-scene changes or a time skip happens, used to break paragraphs in large groups
—— cutting to the authors note at the end
Lets begin!

   "Who was Izuku speaking to after I told him we were horn buddies? He was switching between two different voices, one demonic, the other completely normal. Maybe...maybe it's a different side to his angel quirk? Or maybe it wasn't his quirk at all...?"

   Mina was sitting across from Izuku's limp body, his chest wasn't rising. "But, why doesn't he have a pulse? I know he isn't dead..." her train of thought begun to derail when she saw Izuku's right arm twitch.

   "M-Midoriya?" She looked towards his right hand, it's palm was open...and a dark spot was growing in the center of his palm. She looked towards his other palm and yet again...there was another. She opened her mouth to say something, but his entire body began to twitch, convulse, and let off a small dark glow.

Mina stood up and tried to stop him, but his body slammed into the medical bed and stopped moving. "What the hell?" Izuku said, his eyes were open. Mina looked towards his hand that was in the air, the black spot wasn't there anymore.

"Ashido? Why are you in my home?" A confused look was plastered on Mina's face, Izuku looked around the room. "I'm not in my home am I? So then where am I and why am I here?" He sat up on the bed, so Mina looked towards his chest as the sheets fell off of him. His chest was bare and hardly moving...but there was something else, it was something with his chest. There were wing tattoos on the separate pecs, each were colored something between Pitch black and pure white, but was favored by the dark.

"Have you always had dark wing tattoos on your chest Midoriya-Kun?" Mina asked as she dodged his question. "No, they used to be white..." He subconsciously touched one of them; A black bolt of electricity manifested itself and shot Mina in her forehead... Images of a demonic figure flashed within her mind. It had the head of a goat and the torso of a man, dark sprawling wings extended out from its back, similar to Izuku's wings from earlier. "Hello again, Mina." The figure said before it disappeared with a flap of its wings.

Mina jumped upwards in shock, tipping her seat backwards and towards the floor. She closed her eyes and braved herself for the impact...but it never came. She opened her eyes and saw Izuku holding his arm out to her. His hand wasn't existent, it was spread out and completely black with a very dark purple hue to it. It looked as if it was spread into webbing; Mina looked below her to see a black and purple web underneath her. It seems this is what caught her.

"Are you okay Ashido?!" Izuku asked after she got off of the webbing; There was a brief period of silence between the two of them. "Yeah. I am...But what about you?" Izuku gave her a confused look, "what do you mean?" "Midoriya, you don't have a hand, it's just sprawled out like a web!" She gestures roughly with her hands towards what should've been his hand. "Do you even know how to retract it?!" He shrugged, "Maybe, I won't know until I try."

Izuku imagined the webbing turning into his Mina's surprise it worked...somewhat. A hand appeared at one of the ends, but the rest of the web was still there. "Whatever. Atheos, do you know how this works?" "Who are you talking to M-" He held up a finger in order to silence her, it was trembling. "Atheos left you, because you are no longer an angel. You're more like a demon, thanks to me." "Who are you!" Izuku yelled, "Izuku! Nobody is he-" She looked towards where Izuku was staring; The demon that was shown to her was standing on the webbing, menacingly.

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