Chapter 4-How to Get Expelled on The First Day of School

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*i love my writing style, but so many other writers have writing styles that are in the first person. So I want to know, which so you guys prefer, and answer truthfully, first person over third person?*

   The first thing Izuku did when he woke up the morning of his first day of school, was take a shower. The water was on the cold side, this was because Izuku loved to be tentative and fully awake in the mornings. Which is why he only ever took hot or warm showers at night, since they made him rather sleepy. He then got dressed in his school uniform, and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast. Halfway through making his omelette, his father walked out of his room.

He rubbed his eyes groggily, "mornin' 'Zuku." "Morning dad, want some?" Izuku held the pan up at an angle, "no thanks, not hungry. Thanks for the offer though," Izuku set skillet back on the burner, and slowly, the omelette started to form. But it wasn't done, he covered the pan and slowly began to cook the top layer of the egg with its own steam. After about half a minute the omelette was fully formed, so he plated it and put the skillet in the sink. He promptly cleaned it before he took the plate of food to the table with him.

Izuku walked back into the kitchen and grabbed a glass and orange juice from the fridge. He poured the juice and put it back, then he grabbed a fork from the silverware drawer and sat down at the kitchen table. His father was brewing coffee the entire time Izuku was doing that, and by the time Izuku sat down the coffee was finished. "Can I have a taste of that?" His pops asked, "I could've made you one, but sure, go ahead dad." Izuku slid his plate over to his dad, who sat across from him. "Thanks," He took the fork and cut into the omelette, and in one swift ate the bit of egg.

"Mmh, that's good Izuku. Too good. What did you use?" His father took a sip of his coffee, he loved to drink it raw, without any sweeteners or any type of cream. "Just milk, some cayenne pepper, obviously salt or it'd be bland, and some chili powder." "Well I've got to say, that is one mighty fine meal you've made." He slid the plate back towards Izuku, who took a bite out of it as well. For some reason though, there wasn't any taste to it. He shrugged it off, thinking that it was just a byproduct of the demon taking his body over.

   After a minute of casually eating and talking with his dad, Izuku finished his breakfast entirely. So he stood up and brought his plate over the sink, and washing it. "Anyways, you should get going. You never know if the train might break down or something." Izuku raised his brow, "you sure? I have like two hours before school even starts." "Yeah, yeah, I'm sure. Go, go make some new friends for your old man." His father smiled sincerely, "Alright," Izuku made his way over to his backpack which was hanging in the only hallway in this apartment. "See you later dad, bye." Izuku waved as he walked towards the door and opened it, revealing a bright sun that shone directly into his eyes. Today is gonna be a good day Izuku thought to himself as he closed the door behind him and walked towards the apartment's stairs that led downwards.


It was a calm and peaceful day. Izuku loved the wind that blew through his hair, despite the fact that his quirk was becoming more and more demonic as time passed. About halfway to the train station, Izuku's chest began to hurt, it was like he was being stripped of the air, that, or he was having a heart attack. He slowed down and moved towards a building in order to lean against it. He clutched his chest with one hand and put his other against the building, what the hell is happening? there a pounding pain in my chest? It's as if something is attacking my heart itself... Sweat began to bead on Izuku's forehead and people had begun to look at him weirdly. "What do you want?!" Izuku rudely said, he seemed...darker. More, evil. The person walked away in a hurry and Izuku headed into the alley in a hurry.

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