Chapter 2- 𝙄𝙯𝙪𝙠𝙪 𝙞𝙨 [𝙍𝙚𝙙𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙙]

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Izuku opened his eyes at the crack of dawn, they were glazed over. He groaned and sat up in his bed. He rubbed his eyes and grabbed his phone from his nightstand. He turned it on, the bright light from his phone hurt his eyes, causing him to shut them. "Jeez, that's why I don't use my phone in the morning." He sighed and lay back down in his bed, staring at his ceiling as he began to fully awaken.

"Alright, now that I'm awake I guess I should start training my quirk. What do you think Atheos?" He waited for a few moments for her to respond, but there was only silence. "Okay, then I'll take that as a yes!" He swung his feet off over the edge of his bed and touched the floor. He stood and went over to his closet in order to figure out what he'd wear for today

After eating breakfast with his father, Izuku left his home wearing a green shirt and a dark pair of sweatpants. He decided that the first thing he'd do is jog for about 3 km. He didn't want to overwork his body especially after what occurred the day prior. But someone stopped him before he could even start. A blonde haired man that was sickly looking had tapped his shoulder before he even turned to go down the stairs of the apartment complex. "Excuse me, young lad, are you Izuku Midoriya?" Izuku turned around and nodded at the man. "Have you ever considered becoming a hero? Because what you did yesterday was amazing!" Izuku became confused, "How do you know what happened?" "It was yesterday's breaking news, " he replied. "Well, I have thought about it..." Izuku chose to omit the details of why he wanted to become a hero, because of the man that was asking him a personal question.

"Umm, if you don't mind, I'm going to leave, goodbye Mr." Izuku waved and headed towards the stairs, "My name is Toshinori Yagi." Izuku turned around, but a gust of wind had pushed him to the ground. He looked to where the man once was, but he had disappeared. "W-What happened? Where did the man just go?" Izuku's eyes landed on something soaring in the air at a distance. It looked to be All Might, what villain is he going to take down today? Izuku thought, he got on his feet and brushed whatever dust was on him, off. He disregarded whatever pushed him down to the ground, and walked down the stairs.

Izuku jogged for 3 km and afterward went to a beach that was filled to the brim with trash that had accumulated over the years. He tried to summon the power of his quirk, but yet again it was non-existent. Instead, he chose to train his body by lifting abnormally heavy objects with the help of his back, or the support of his arms. He repeated this for days, weeks, months on end, he didn't rest because he believed he was far behind and that he had to catch up to those around him.

During this time, Izuku had hung out with Mina on a few occasions, he considered their relationship to be a little more than acquaintances. Atheos had suddenly disappeared, along with his quirk. And, Katsuki hadn't tried anything after nearly killing him, he was completely unaware that Izuku even existed after the event. But, hey, it was two positives plus one negative, so that was a victory in his mind.

Today, though, was special for him. It was the day of the entrance exams for UA. Despite not being able to use his quirk, Izuku believed he could pass the exams with his strength alone. "Atheos, are you here?" he asked when he left his apartment in order to catch the train her the school. Seconds passed, and only silence came from her. "Okay then, I guess you weren't in it for the long haul..." You are wrong master Izuku, I've been silently observing you, judging if you were ready to fully use this power. "Atheos! Why have you been quiet for the past 9 months?!" As I said, I was judging you. And from what I could gather, you aren't yet ready to wield my powers. "What do you mean I can't use my quirk, Atheos?! Is it not my own power!?" he questioned aloud, getting a few suspicious looks from those around him. No, it isn't. And it will never be, not unless you prove to me you're strong enough for it! "But I am strong enough! I handled that first demon like it was nothing!" His teeth gritted against one another, and his fist began to blacken. But it stopped when he boarded the train, all because of Mina.

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