Chapter 7-The Horsemen's Declaration and Izuku's Determination

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Collapsing onto the ground after throwing Atheos onto Izuku's bed, Jargön fell chin first onto the wooden floor. His body hadn't been healed for long, so he was still pretty much out of energy. "Jargön? Are you back?" He heard a weak Izuku say from opposite of Atheos, who'd been roughly tossed into his bed.

"Yeah," he said exhausted, he'd be just a bit more attentive and willing to talk if he hadn't lost so much blood. He wasn't sure what demon blood would do to an Angel, but he sure hoped it wouldn't kill her. "I'm back, 'Zuku," his head was swimming with delirium from the fever he'd caught. Although it was gone, the effects of it on his body were still taking hold in him. "You feeling good?"

"No," Izuku stared at his ceiling as his muscles ached, "but I'm better. What happened?" He asked, clearly too stunned to even remember what happened in this very exciting day.

"A shitty infection, don't worry about it too much," the demon assured. Izuku, for the moment, trusted the notorious liar. "Hey, stupid Angel, you up?" After a few moments of silence, Jargön determined that she was knocked out. "Guess not," he said, "you're just as useless as usual." Hearing that, Izuku faintly remembered something from a cartoon he caught a while back. "Well," Jargön forced himself into an upright position, "you're gonna wake up one way or another."

Standing, the demon began to head over to the angel's side, I wonder what my bloods doing. Maybe it's tearing up her insides? He internally drooled at the thought, then I'd be able to make that godsend of a child into a stronger version of me! He cackled under his breath before picking away at Atheos' clothing. Just as usual, her chest was nearly as flat as a board so she had nothing to show off...but, because of what Pestilence did, Jargön found out that he plunged his bloodied hand into one of her pec-like breasts. "Sweet, got to second base with one of Heaven's whores," he wished he could see the areola, but it was covered by a thin scrap of her white clothing.

"Did you say something?" Izuku asked, somehow he selectively tuned out Jargön's words.

"Hmm?" The demon hummed, looking at the bed ridden boy, "oh no, I said noth-" he stopped speaking when he felt a hand grip his arm.

"I'm one of Heaven's whores? Am I right, you scum?" Atheos peered at him with only her left eye, had something happened to her right?

"Hah," Jargön chuckled, causing her grip to tighten, "you were spot on, wench." Leering at her, he began again, "I would thank you for saving Izuku's life, but why would I do something like that when you almost fucked that up?"

"Oh I don't know," she raised her eyebrows as a stupid expression crossed her face. "Maybe it's because you caused his state," she scoffed, "spineless worm."

"Hey! Go fuck yourself, I am not spineless!" Jargön pointed at himself with his free hand, clearly angered by her words.

"Oh yeah," a look of superiority crossed Atheos' face, "then why did you send an Angel to do your dirty work then?"

"Fuck you!" Jargön shouted before walking away, "you're a bitch, Atheos, you know that?!" He went over to the bedroom door and opened it, "a downright piece of..." he trailed off when he stared outside of the room.

"Did your pea sized brain cease function? Can you no longer come up with a comeback because you're inundated by my superior insults?" When Jargön didn't respond, Atheos figured that something was wrong. "Hey," she forced herself off of the bed and limped over to the demon, "what's wrong?" She pulled on his shoulder, but it wouldn't budge, "hey, move you filth!"

With a shake of his head, Jargön denied her exit to the room, "are you really going to be that petty over my insults? That's a new low, even for you," looking past him, Atheos caught a glimpse of something red before the door was shut. "Was that b-" with inhuman speed, Jargön turned around and clamped her mouth shut.

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