Chapter 5-The Demon's Proposal

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"Alright, another day," Izuku hopped out of the shower, a towel was tightly wrapped around his waist. He stepped in front of the mirror and grabbed a towel off of the rack behind him. Izuku dried his hair roughly, and after a minute do drying he stopped. He looked into the mirror and dropped his towel to his side, it was weird that he could see his reflection in the mirror though. Izuku saw something move in the corner of his left eye so he turned quickly towards it. It was Jargön, "you might wanna lie down." Izuku furrowed his eyebrows at the demon, a black substance was running down his face and body. "Are you," a sudden wave of dizziness washed over Izuku, causing him to stumble, "Alright?" He slammed against the wall next to the towel rack, "am I Alright?"

   Izuku put his clothing on, minus the shirt and opened the door. He fell forwards and hit the ground when he did, "Guess I gotta put you down now." Jargön moved from the bathroom and towards Izuku, somehow materializing as he floated closer. He sighed and grabbed Izuku by the hem of his pants. He lifted him to his bed where he dropped him down onto, Jargön then crashed next to him on the floor. "This is why I don't like going to hell, you don't know what you might pick up." He then laughed as he crawled over to the closet. He then sat up and rested his head against the door, "why did you go to hell?!" Izuku cried out from his bed, his body felt as if it was tearing him up from the inside and making his insides feel like an inferno.

   "Izuku?!" He heard his dad call, "Why did you yell?!" His father opened the door to his room and saw Izuku laying face down on the bed and sweating like hell. Then he saw Jargön laying against the closet, "Yo. It's great that you don't feel sick, 'cause me and your son are basically burning up from the inside out." Jargön said, Izuku's father deadpanned for a moment as he took in his surroundings. "Who the hell is that Izuku?!" He yelled, Izuku stuck his arm up and waved his hand towards his demon friend's general location, "that's my demon. He's usually helpful and provides me with a 'quirk' but right now he's an utter a-hole for transmitting whatever the hell this thing from Hell is." Jargön laughed and wiped some sweat from his forehead, instead it came back faster. "It's true...for the most part." He went silent for a few moments, "so I guess you can say that heaven and hell exist, same with demons...but I'd say that there are more demons here, than in hell."

   Izuku's father pursed his lips and began to walk out of the room, "Will I be able to help him?" Jargön chuckled, "no, unless you can travel to hell and beat the fuck out of the demon who gave me this affliction." Izuku raised his eyebrows from his position on the bed, "Alright, I'll leave you two alone, get better Izuku." His father exited the room with a nervous sweat dripping from his forehead. "So it is your affliction, then why the hell am I ill because of it!" Izuku shouted from his bed before breaking into a coughing fit. "Easy, don't force yourself too much, you might die because of it I don't really know. But, you're infected because I'm an inhabitant of your body, so technically you got sick the moment I reentered your body last night." The room went quiet for a moment, "you talked about a demon giving this to you. But I have to ask, would an angel be able to go to hell?"

   Jargön thought for a moment, "If they fell from heaven like Lucifer or Cain did, then maybe. Otherwise I'd have no idea, why do you a.....oh, I love your thinking Izuku, I'll un-cage her from your body now." Izuku felt a weight lift from himself when Jargön flicked his wrist a bit to the side. Suddenly a blinding light shot out of his back, and Atheos arose from it. "Finally, it feels nice to be freed from that jail, thanks you demonic bastard." Jargön laughed and shook his head, "right back at ya' you prim god's bitch. Regardless, you see that I'm sick right now, right?" Jargön closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose when Atheos came closer to him, probably to end his life when he was weak.

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