Chapter 1-A Hero Is Born

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Izuku laid unconcious on the ground, the villain that had killed him was spattered against every single wall around him. When suddenly, the ground below him started to rumble. Something had jumped out of the manhole cover the villain came out of, and landed on the ground. The massive, hulking figure straightened itself out and looked at it's surroundings. "Hmmm, what happened to the villain I'm chasing...How did this young man pass out?" The silhouette walked to Izuku and stood over him menacingly, it reached an arm out towards him...but Izuku quickly awoke and punched the arm with his fist. He expected his quirk to activate and push the figure back, but only a small amount of light shot out.

"Calm down young man," The figure Izuku had seen spoke. "Nothing can happen, Because I, All Might, am here!" Izuku's eyes widened in surprise, his favorite hero was right in front of his face. "A-All Might?! Why are you here?" He asked in confusion, "A villain should have passed through here, is that why you were laying unconcious on the ground, young lad?" Izuku looked at the walls around him, then nodded. "He nearly killed me, so I used my quirk on it to protect myself," What he said wasn't too far from the truth. He just couldn't say that it actually killed him, "So the walls are covered with it, huh?" A gush of air went past Izuku and All Might had appeared in front of him with two bottles of green fluid. "Thank you for your help..." His voice trailed off because he didn't know Izuku's name. "Izuku Midoriya, sir," He was still on the ground when he said this, still feeling fatigue from dying earlier. "Thank you for your help Izuku Midoriya, I do hope that we won't see each other again. Because that means I'm protecting the people," This earned a chuckle from Izuku. All Might held up his signature peace sign and then left with a burst of wind.

"Atheos, are you there?" Izuku asked aloud, hoping to get a response. But, everything around him was silent. "M-Maybe it was just a dream...Yeah! I wouldn't come back to life for seemingly no reason. I probably was just knocked out by the villain," Izuku said to himself. He seemed to believe the lie that he fabricated. In fact he'd believe anything, anything to disprove the truth of his own death. And so, Izuku Midoriya stood up, and propped himself up against the wall. "Gotta head back home before dad worries," But, there was a single huge detail that disproved himself. When Kacchan nearly choked him to death, he had left bruise marks on his neck......but there wasn't anything left behind.

Meanwhile, two containers fell from the sky and down into an alleyway, where two teenagers had been. "You should be ashamed of yourself. Your disgusting pink skin makes me sick," a blonde haired female had a blade coming out of her wrist. And she was holding it to a girl with pink hair, pink skin, and black eyes with golden irises. "Maybe you should kill yourself...or would you like me to do it?" A glint of something inhumane flashed in the girls eyes, something that turned them entirely black. "I'll take your quivering silence, as an answer, that I should end you." She drew her arm back and aimed it towards the pink girl, who shook with fear. She couldn't move, and could only hope that something would save her.....And something did.

A bottle of green liquid had fallen from the sky and hit the blonde one in the head. It opened on impact, as well as the other one that fell near them. "What the fuck was that!?" The liquid spilled out of the bottle and started to puddle together, taking form as most of it gathered. "Finally, I'm free. Thank you so much little girly," the pink one had slowly began to move away, but a blade had been shot next to her head. "Thank you for what?" Her voice, didn't sound normal. It sounded tainted. "Thank you, for  being my meat shield~" The villain that All Might captured had shot itself inside the blonde girl's mouth. But...something, odd, happened. A flash of dark light had surrounded the two, blinding the pink girl. When she opened her eyes, a large creature with blades protruding out of it's back and sludge dripping out of it's inhumane jaw stood where the villain was. "W-what...what the hell..." She said quietly as tears flowed out of her eyes. "This feels g r e a t..." The demonic creature said as it focused all of it's attention on the pink girl.  It's eyes were darker than a moonless sky, and it was truly frightening, especially when it grabbed her with a large hand and jumped somewhere with her in tow.

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