Chapter 4: Relationship status

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When I say 'we hit it off', I don't mean going on a date the next night or sharing our first kiss. No—none of that. We just talked, and neither of us tried to bring the matter even remotely close to what might have been our relationship.

See, I didn't know how to handle a relationship as a first-timer, but Aaron didn't do anything about it either. My relationship with him was then stagnant for a good part of my final year of high school. I was teetering on the edge of 'single' and 'taken'.

I'd never really thought about telling him about my college acceptance to Yale and moving to the US until practically the last day of high school. So that morning I messaged him:
'Hey, sorry to bother you so early (it was 6.30 am) but could we meet up and talk for a minute after school?'
'Sure thing! Where do you wanna meet?' Came his reply a minute later
'Would the courtyard be a good place?'
'Ok, see you then.'

My heart was hammering rapidly against my ribcage as I waited for Aaron on the bench of the courtyard. How romantic, I thought sarcastically. If anything, this would be a break-up of our non-existent relationship.

Aaron strutted into the courtyard, and I was awestruck by his presence. If confidence could manifest itself into human form, that'd probably be him. His chestnut hair was ruffled and curly above his head. His eyes were emerald green, and his tan skin highlighted his lips, which broke into a huge grin when he saw me.

'Hey, Liv, what's up?' He massaged me playfully on the shoulder before sitting down beside me on the bench. After I recovered from my initial wave of shock, I stared into his gorgeous eyes.
'A lot of things, actually,' I began. Aaron's grin settled into an attentive expression, and he urged me on with an eager nod. 'So, I was accepted into Yale University and I found out last weekend.' My response wavered in the air for what seemed like an eternity.

'Oh my gosh, congrats! You should be so proud of yourself, that's an incredible achievement!' He beamed, but I also caught a flash of sadness pass in his eyes. I felt a wave of emotions engulf me - joy, pride, but also sadness and remorse. My lips quivered.

'I'm sorry I didn't tell you this earlier. I didn't think you'd care particularly much,' I continued. Aaron shook his head strongly.

'Liv, don't ever think that, please...' He implored. I nodded but told him about how I didn't think we were a 'thing', and how I'd liked him for years now. I basically confessed all my feelings for him, and childishly, I began to cry. I cried for the remorse I felt, blaming myself for not 'shooting my shot' with him and it now being too late. How was I going to be with him now that I was moving halfway across the world? Would I ever see him again?

'Hey, it's ok, there's been a lot I've been meaning to tell you too,' Aaron soothed. He pulled me into a tight embrace; he smelled like cinnamon and sunshine and daisy fields—like home.
'No doubt you've noticed by now that I like you too, Liv. But I was scared to say it 'cuz I thought you weren't interested in me. I mean, who would like a guy who's been obsessed with music all his life?' He chuckled, and from under his strong arms came my muffled reply: 'I would...'

Aaron laughed. 'You know, all of this week I was looking for a good opportunity to ask you out for dinner or somethin' tonight, to celebrate graduation,' he continued, almost shyly. 'But you've got so much to pack, and goodbyes to say, it won't be practical...'

I cut him off mid-sentence: 'Aaron, no—let's do it. I'm sure I can figure something out with the preparations for tomorrow. Tonight, I want to enjoy what may be our first and last date.' I choked, full of emotion. Aaron smiled a warm, genuine smile that sent butterflies into my stomach.

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