Chapter 25: Dinner date

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So there I was, on the morning of October 14th, opening up my birthday presents like an excited kid. I had already received plenty of birthday wishes from my friends and family in Australia. I couldn't stop smiling as I replied to each one with whole-hearted thank-you's.

I had received loads of presents from my friends: there was a necklace and a sweater from Alana, a PacSun gift card and books from Sophie, as well as bags and bags of chocolate and candy from Henry (he knew sweets were my biggest weakness, and he didn't hesitate to spoil me with them on my birthday). After that I read their cards, which were really wholesome. I was probably grinning like an idiot the whole time, but who cares? It was my special day after all.

Among the cards was one from Jacob.
Happy birthday baby, it read. I giggled. It was unreal how Jacob could make me feel giddy so easily. Meet me in the courtyard near the canteen at 6pm. Hope you have a fantabulous day and enjoy the first day of being 19.

I suddenly remembered the events of last night. How drunk I was, how I had almost fallen asleep in Jacob's arms, and... How Jacob had kissed me on the forehead. Sure, it didn't seem like much, but I was almost certain this was the most intimate physical contact we'd ever had in the few weeks that we had been 'together'. I dreaded the thought that we were actually getting closer, but another part of me relished it.

I didn't know how to feel about tonight's dinner. I didn't know if I should treat it as a friendly outing, or if it meant more than that - if it was our first official 'date'. This fake relationship was messing me up: now I couldn't separate acting from reality. I didn't even know how to feel.

But I couldn't think too much about that now. I had to focus on the day ahead: school, tests, assignments - the usual, but I also had something else to worry about: how I would glam myself up and make this dinner with Jacob (whatever it was supposed to be) a fun and memorable night.


By this time of the year, we were already a few weeks into winter, and by six o'clock, twilight had already begun to set in. Everything was coated in a silvery sheen - everything felt alive and magical. I had dressed up in a white turtleneck, paired with a denim skirt, dark blue cardigan and black ballet flats. I was wearing the necklace that Alana had given me, as well as a gold bracelet engraved with my name.

I had spent nearly two hours getting ready and doing my makeup, and I tried to make myself look as flawless as I could - curling my hair, doing my nails, all that business. I tried to look good without trying too hard; I wanted to please Jacob.

My flats clicked across the pavement as I made my way down to the courtyard, where I had been ambushed by Jacob all those weeks ago. Time seemed to fly by since then.

All of a sudden, a figure shot out from the darkness and a hand grabbed my waist, twirling me around until my eyes met those of Jacob Dalton himself, donned in a checkered shirt, paired with a tweed jacket, leather shoes and corduroy pants. This outfit complemented his style and brought out the charisma and maturity in him.
'Hey,' I breathed, exploring his starry eyes. I felt my cheeks flush, and I was so glad that it was night.
'Happy birthday, Liv.' Jacob whispered, returning an intense stare. 'You look beautiful tonight.'
I turned away for a brief moment, blushing. I tried to collect my thoughts, fully aware of his hand still on my waist.
'Thank you... You look equally handsome yourself.' I replied. Jacob smiled.

'Come, we're going to your favourite Chinese restaurant.' Jacob slid his hand into mine, leading me across the courtyard. We then made our way towards campus gates. I tried to suppress an excited squeal. The fact that Jacob had remembered my favourite restaurant from our late-nights talks made me feel overjoyed. This was going to be a fun night.

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