Chapter 13: Henry

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'Shit', I muttered under my breath. I shoved Jacob off, bolting upright. Jacob jumped off of me, and stood beside me ashamedly as we faced the person in the shadows.

We must've looked ridiculous. We must've looked like children who got caught stealing candy red-handed.

But the person who emerged from the darkness shocked me even more.

'Henry, what the heck?' I laughed in relief. 'What are you doing in here?' It was Henry, one of my close friends who shared many of my classes. He was an elite swimmer and attended Yale on an athletic scholarship, so what he was doing in the music center was beyond me.

He laughed, looking just as sheepish as I was sure Jacob and I did. 'Alana told me you had come here to practise, so I just thought I'd stop by and have a chat,' he explained. I didn't know the workings of this place to save my life, and I just assumed you were in here. I came in just before you and-' he paused, staring blankly at Jacob.

'Oh, this is Jacob,' I introduced the two to each other. 'And Jacob - this is Henry.' They nodded to one another, but I noticed that Jacob regarded Henry warily.

Henry continued: 'I came in just before you and Jacob. As soon as I heard voices, I ran to hide behind the seats 'cause I was almost certain I shouldn't have been in here.' I nodded. That made sense. But then I wondered how our little...moment...seemed to him.

'Um, about what you saw - or heard - just now...' I began, pretending to inspect my fingernails all of a sudden, 'Jacob and I were just goofing around.' I sensed Jacob shift uncomfortably beside me, but he kept quiet. Henry laughed, easing the tension that was boiling between the three of us.

'Well, I'm glad I got to see you today, Liv. Hope your violin practice went well,' Henry said. I nodded, grinning sheepishly. I didn't know if he had made that so ironic on purpose.

'Thanks; it did. See you in class tomorrow!' I faked some enthusiasm and whole-heartedness.
'Cya,' Henry saluted while he backed out of the auditorium. Jacob nodded curtly to him.

Well, that was majorly awkward.

I turned to face Jacob, my smile fading. Look at what we'd gotten ourselves into! That must've looked so suspicious and awkward. Stupid me, stupid me.

'Was he your boyfriend?' Jacob asked, looking sullen.
'What?' I gasped, disbelieving.
'I said was he-' he began, but I cut him off: 'No! What are you thinking?'
I was speechless. Why would he think...? Ugh. I just wanted this to be over with.

'Nice seeing you today,' I sighed, but it sounded more like a question than a statement.
'Yeah,' Jacob said crisply. Was it my imagination, or was there a tone of sourness in his voice?

I wanted to say something else to ease the sudden tension between us, but I couldn't think of anything. I decided that it would be better to just leave. Just get out of there. With pursed lips, I grabbed my violin case and walked briskly out of the music center.

My mind was still clouded with confusion and buzzing with questions when I reached my dorm room.

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