Chapter 9: Café + Concert

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After I told Alana about what had happened between Jacob and me, she promised to take me to a cafe in the city (I later found out it was my favourite one) to talk it out.

So there we sat, our homework spread out in front of us, sipping a cup of matcha latte.

'...that guy is horrible,' Alana said, her eyebrows creased in concern.

I nodded sadly. 'I hope he doesn't try to talk to me again... I don't want to hurt him 'cuz right now I'm this close to bashing his head in—' I pinched my fingers together in an 'OK' sign. We both burst into laughter.

'I'll sponsor your boxing match, and I'm betting on you for sure,' Alana carried on, giggling.

Over the next hour, we talked some more and did our homework together. As we were saying our goodbyes to each other for the night, Alana unfolded a crumpled piece of paper from her jean pocket.

'OK, so I know you're keen on music; I saw this pamphlet around campus and I just knew I had to give it to you to take a look. It's this talent show for musicians,' she said, pointing to the headline. 'And look, it says: "first prize - Yearly Starbucks Pass". Now you can't say no to that!' She grinned excitedly.

'Alana, that's so sweet of you! I'll think about it,' I said, taking the pamphlet. And I meant it. I was overjoyed that she would be thinking about me and my love for music. It was honestly the kindest gesture from her.

'Make me proud, Liv,' she said, hugging me.
'Of course,' I nodded, beaming.


I was greeted by a parcel in front of my dorm room when I returned.

From: Aaron. My heart leapt when I saw a USB encased in tons of bubble wrap. Excited, I plugged it into my laptop.

'Woah,' I couldn't contain my gasp of surprise when I saw Aaron in a clip all dressed up in a suit, holding his violin in one hand and bow in the other, standing in what seemed to be his living room.

'This one's for you, Liv. I hope these recordings are a reminder that I am always thinking of you, and I hope you come back to them any time you're missing home.'

For the next 30 minutes I was mesmerised by the elaborate and highly difficult program Aaron had prepared for me. The first piece was the Wieniawski that he had played the first time I saw him perform at the concert. Then he played my favourite Bach sonatas and partitas, followed by the Ysaye that we'd spent a night learning together, and finally the Tchaikovsky violin concerto 1st movement, which was my all-time favourite.

Not only was the recording a joy to listen to, but each piece was so meaningful. I spent half the time bawling my eyes out, half the time thinking, gosh this kid is so talented.

After the clip was finished I just sat back in my chair, shocked, for a few minutes.

'Aaron...I love you,' I whispered. It was the first time, I think, I'd ever said that out loud.

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