00: curated

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Your life can change in an instant. The ground can collapse right from under your shaky and unstable feet. Life knows no plans or boundaries, it slips through cracks of your carefully curated plans.

Some of our lives are prepped and manicured before we even make it into this world. Parents to be sit next to each other and daydream about what their kids will be like. Coming up with imaginary scenarios that swirl around their naive minds that play B roll of what life will look like. No one accounts for what life has in mind for us.

My life was so carefully curated for me, every possible detail ironed out smoothly like a silk linen before I even grew fingers and toes.

All of those plans came shattering to and end however, someone had other plans for me. Plans I could have never foreseen in my wildest dreams. Plans that I struggle to navigate... but I can't say all of it was earth shattering. Photographic moments scattered around in my mind like a kaleidoscope, I wouldn't have wanted my life to be any different.

Maybe I didn't follow that was meant for me, what others hoped for me but, I found my own way. That's what I like the most about it, it's my life. Every detail whether a mistake or not is mine and I think that's what real freedom is.

Then again what do I know? Some only see me as a California kid with rich parents that gave me the world if they could've bought it. However, I like to think I paved my own path through all of this. I like to think I'm different then what the outside perception is. The stereotypes clutter the substance and truth of who people are. There's no changing that but maybe through my story I can change their minds. That's the hope anyway... so let's start where it all began shall we?

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