05: the wedding

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My mind drifts away as I watch Caroline's stark white dress graze against the stone flooring of the church. Her blonde hair faded into luminous honey blonde waves while her frame contorted to an hourglass figure that hugged the dress perfectly. I watch from the alter as Keaton's silky skin is shaded over a dainty white vail. The details of her face are hidden under the vail, the only distinctive feature are her glossy rosebud lips opposing the white with a pink.

I crack a smile as a wave of effortless euphoria drenches my body. My heart skips beats as she comes into focus, gliding up onto the alter with me. Taking her dainty soft hand into mine she stands across from me hiding her face under the vail. Restraint was the only thing keeping me from taking her into my arms and holding her close. Kissing her ever so softly and freezing in that exact moment like a picture protected in a frame.

"Harry!" Gemma's voice comes into my consciousness and I shake it off focusing back on her. The girl that had kept my heart captive in her hands. She had been so gentle and careful with it when I hadn't done the same for hers, that I deeply regretted every time it crossed my chaotic jumble of thoughts and memories.

"Harry!" I was physically shaken out of my trance blinking quickly and coming back down to earth. "Are you okay?" Gemma whispered in a hushed tone giving me a concerned expression that was easily readable.

"I'm fine!" I reassure her refocusing back on the couple standing on the altar. Caroline looked beautiful in her custom-made gown that glimmered in the sunset peeking through the church stain glass windows.

Part of me saw myself in all of this. Maybe it was my subconscious gripping to some sort of future for myself. I never thought I would have made it this far so thinking beyond the now was different for me.

Maybe I just wanted someone to stay with me. Someone constant that would never fade away into the blurry world I lived in. Someone who would stay with me forever. Everything in my life growing up was temporary, people, places, things, they all came and went. I wanted something irreplaceable, my head twisted around the thought as I watched the exchanging of rings

The longing feeling was running through me like water. I didn't know where all of this was coming from but it was leaving me dry on the inside.



"Truthfully darling, I didn't expect you to show up!" My mother says pulling me into a hug that nauseated me from the thick perfume coating her body. "I had prepared an apology on your behalf in fact."

"It's good you didn't have to use it then," I say keeping things short as I spot Keaton and Niall walking side by side. A wave of relief surfaces over me seeing them both save me from the open water I was vulnerable to. This entire place felt like I was surrounded by sharks as they sharpened their teeth looking at me.

My stomach twists when I see Keaton holding the baby that clung to her chest keeping curious eyes on her unfamiliar surroundings. She had nervousness in her eyes as she scans the room tightening her grip on Keaton's dress.

"Kea!" Gemma squeals as she and Niall make their way over to us. Keaton's lips melt into a smile as she approaches us and gives Gemma a side hug, being conscious of Lilah holding onto her for dear life. "Who is this little cutie?"

I swallow the bile and feel the sweat sliding down my spine. Niall stands next to me as glances over at me to gauge my reactions to everything. My hands felt like static as I dug them into my pockets.

"This is Lilah!" Keaton says bouncing the nervous baby up for Gemma to better look at her. "I'm watching her for a friend," Keaton concluded pulling down her little white shirt that lay underneath a pair of white knitted overalls. I'm sure Kea had field day dressing her up for tonight since she had a sea of clothing to choose from.

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