11: defect

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                "Are you feeling good enough to see Lilah?" She asks me and I nod my head ever so slowly getting up and gaining my balance once again. "Are you with him? Family? Girlfriend?" The nurse directed toward Caroline whose skin shook watching the entire thing unfold in front of her.

"I'm family," she gets out her voice so small and almost fragile in some ways, she was timid which was something I never saw in Caroline.

"I think it's best if someone accompanies him. We have some important details to go over and given his state it's best for a second person is taking in that information," I couldn't argue on the logic since I was fragile and minutes from tearing at the seams. I let the flood gates swing open and tears of grief spilled out and choked me. It held me under the ferocious waves that threatened to drown me altogether.

"I can do that if it's okay with Harry," Caroline searches my face for a sliver of approval that I gladly give her. She nods and we continue to walk through the doors that shut the general public out. Caroline's hand wavered over to mine like a magnet of sorts, she squeezed it and kept her gaze ahead of her.

"Can you call Anita?" I whispered as if I were a little kid asking for his mother. She looks back at me with her big dark eyes and nodded with a curl of her lips.

"Of course,"

We went down winding hallways that seemed more like a maze than a hospital corridor until we reached the pediatric unit. The hallways were kinder and less intimidating with the drawings of animals and pictures that patients had drawn. Sounds of children were heard from babies crying to kids watching cartoons as they sat up in their bed smothered in a family of stuffed animals.

We are taken into room 635 where I see a doctor tending to little Lilah who was attached to a jungle of wires. Her tired eyes are swollen from the warm tears that stained her face, her body lays consumed by wires to monitors and trackers that made note of every second she was breathing.

"Oh my god... Oh my god..." I spiral going up to the incubator and pressed my face up against the plastic to see Lilah's once bright eyes dim. She looks at me with an expressionless face, her eyes falling heavy as a small oxygen mask pumps humidity into her lungs.

She looked so much smaller now against all the large equipment that was assisting her every breath

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She looked so much smaller now against all the large equipment that was assisting her every breath. I reach my hands in to touch her cheek, to feel her soft skin against my fingertips. A tear burns my eyes as her little hand wraps around my finger and she breaths with more ease than before. Her eyes flutter until they close and she relaxes, my eyes scanning over her dainty features that looked to have been drained.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry," I whisper as if she can understand what I am saying to her. Shen was drifting into a dream state as her eyes fluttered and fought to stay open. She winces with a surge of discomfort and squeezes my finger as my heart smelters into my chest and melts into my bloodstream.

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