The Ruins

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3rd person POV

The group was now exploring the ruins. Peter and Emily were walking happily together as they admired the scenery around them.

Meanwhile, Lucy is staring at some water when she speaks up: "I wonder who lived here.".

At that moment, Susan noticed something on the ground and picked it up.

"I think we did.", She said.

The other four gathered around her, staring at the golden knight.

"Hey, that's mine.....from my chess set.", Edmund said.

"Which chess set?", Peter asked.

"Well, I didn't exactly have a solid gold chess set in Finchley, did I?", Edmund smirked and Peter laughed.

Lucy looked over at the ruined dais. She ran over.

"It can't be.", She exclaimed.

"Lucy!", Peter and Emily said in unison.

They were now all standing in the dais in a row.

"Don't you see?", Lucy cried.

"What?", Emily asked.

"Imagine walls. ...And columns there...and a glass roof.", Lucy pointed out.

"Cair Paravel.", Peter whispered.

Edmund bends down to look at something, muttering to himself.

"Catapults.", Emily barely makes out the words.

"What?", Peter asks him.

"This didn't just happen. Cair Paravel was attacked.", He informs the group.

Soon thereafter, the boys find what seems to be a blocked doorway. They both go over and push the stone that is covering it. A door is revealed as they do so.

Peter starts to make a hole through it before be turns the knob from the inside and fully opens the door.

Without so much as a word, he rips off part of his shirt with the help of his pocket knife. He picks up a stick and wraps the fabric around it before he finally addresses his younger brother.

"I don't suppose you have any matches, do you?"

"No... But would this help?", Edmund asks, pulling a torch from his bag.

Peter scoffs.

"You might have mentioned that a bit sooner.", He laughs along with the others.

They all step inside with Edmund leading the way.

Lucy pauses when she sees the treasure chamber, and their five chests below. All but Emily and Peter rush down the stairs to their respective chests.

The eldest of the five, take their time walking down the stairs. They both watch as the others excitedly chat about the things they've found inside their chests.

"I can't believe it. It's all still here.", Peter mutters.

They all run over to their chests. Lucy pulls out a dress.

"I was so tall.", She says.

"Well, you were older then.", Susan tells her.

"As opposed to hundreds of years later... when you‟re younger.", Edmund quips with a short laugh as Peter find his old shield.

He blows the dust away from the shield in his hands, and notices the familiar image of a Lion on a large gold plate.

He looks up to see the statue standing behind his chest, and slowly walks towards it as Emily as wanders over to her own chest. She peers inside and picks up her sword and dagger with a fond smile.

"What is it?", Lucy asks her sister.

"My horn. I must've left it on my saddle the day we went back.", Susan explains.

Peter slowly opens his chest, takes out his sword and draws it.

"When Aslan bears his teeth, winter meets its death.", He says absentmindedly.

"And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again." Everyone we knew... Mr. Tumnus and the Beavers... they‟re all gone.", Lucy adds solemnly.

"I think it's time we found out what's going on."

Two Telemarine soldiers lift Trumpkin, a narnian dwarf.

When suddenly, an arrow hits the side of the boat.

The group runs up and draws their weapons from the shore or a nearby beach.

Susan quickly puts another arrow to the string.

"Drop him!", She exclaims to the soldiers holding the dwarf.

"Drop him?", Trumpkin's muffled voice asks.

The soldiers drop the dwarf into the water. One of them picks up a crossbow, and Susan shoots him.

The other jumps into the water and swims away. The dwarf sinks to the bottom, and Peter dives in and pulls him to shore.

Edmund pulls the boat in as Lucy cuts the dwarf's bonds with her dagger.

He pulls the gag off and says...

"Drop him"?! That‟s the best you can come up with?"

"A simple thank-you would suffice.", Susan scoffs.

"They were doing fine drowning me without your help."

"Maybe we should have let them.", Peter says.

"Why were they trying to kill you anyway?", Lucy asks.

"They‟re Telmarines. That‟s what they do."

"Telmarines? In Narnia?"

"Where have you been for the last few hundred years?"

"It‟s a bit of a long story.", Lucy laughs lightly.

Susan hands Peter's sword back to him as Emily takes his other hand, intertwining their fingers.

Trumpkin notices the hilt of the sword and looks up at Peter. He surveys the five of them.

"Oh, you‟ve got to be kidding me. You‟re it? You‟re the kings and queens of old?"

"High King Peter... the Magnificent.", Peter holds out his hand, dropping Emily's for only a second.

"You probably could have left out the last bit.", Susan tells him.

"Probably.", Trumpkin chuckles.

"You might be surprised.", Peter draws his sword.

"Oh, you don‟t want to do that, boy."

"Not me. Him.", Peter looks at Edmund who draws his own sword.

Peter hands his sword to Trumpkin. He takes it and then the sword drops in the sand. Edmund smiles at Peter. Suddenly, Trumpkin knocks Edmund's sword away and swings. Edmund ducks, and Trumpkin
hits him in the face. Edmund backs off.

"Edmund!", Lucy and Emily both exclaim.

"Aww, you alright?", Trumpkin taunts him.

They circle around and continue fighting. Trumpkin slashes at Edmund's feet, but he jumps with both feet off the ground so that the blow goes under them. A few seconds later, the Dwarf's sword flies out of his grip. Trumpkin stares, and falls down in the sand.

"Beards and bedsteads! Maybe that horn worked after all.", He breathes out, shocked.

"What horn?", Susan asks him.

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