...A.K.A. Timothy

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"By Darwin's fucking beard."

After (Y/n) heard her name coming from a mutant she had never seen before, her heart lurched in her throat. Something about how he said her name was held with an emotion that was right at the tip of her tongue. Why is the contained goo-mutant somehow familiar to her? This doesn't feel right. She should be afraid, terrified, horrified, anything along those lines because he could squeeze her head like a grape, but she isn't. Why!?

"Me... Tim-o-thy..."

The Pulverizer pointed his large hands at himself, trying to convince the aghast teen in front of him that he, in fact, knew her from the past. (E/c) eyes turned cold as soon as he said his own name. Memories of their previous relationship flew by across her mind. No, it can't be.

"Prove it." Please prove that you're not the one I hurt.

"(Y...n)... Hurt... me... aban...don... me-!"

She suddenly realized that he remembered everything that she had done to him. All the hardships that they experienced and her guilt-ridden anxiety lingered in the air full of tension.

"(Y/n)... bad friend! MUST... KILL... BAD FRIEND!"

Her voice was caught in her throat. She wanted to apologize, but she couldn't. Why? Is it so hard to say that one simple word that could affect a person positively or negatively forever and ever? Or maybe... She was scared she will not be forgiven?


Out of nowhere fell a strange, pale-glowing cylinder between (Y/n)'s and the mutant's feet, the glass breaking in half. Both human and mutant glanced down on the mysterious fluid oozing out before the former was harshly shoved to the ground.


(Y/n) watched in terror as The Pulverizer slithered out his elongated mouth and consume the liquid.


Her heart that was lurched in her throat earlier threatened to be vomited as she was unable to process everything around her. She still must be in bed, her phone in hand still trying to call April, probably fell asleep from waiting, and having a gruesome nightmare.

And a gruesome nightmare it was.

She watched him as his movements slowed after drinking the mysterious, glowing fluid, his voice slurring and confused.

"Don-nie! Some...thing's... wrong...!"

The mutagen instantly froze Timothy.

Apparently, (Y/n) was also frozen in place, only metaphorically. She barely even processed the whole event as the mutant's final willpower to move had suddenly surfaced and tried to grab her. She let out a shrill scream and squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for his acidic hands to strangle her, yet it never came, feeling heavy arms doming her head instead.





Light breaths.

Heavy breaths.

A sincere question.

"Are you alright?"

She heard the stranger ask. Could she trust to open her eyes, though? He came out of nowhere. But something tells her she should.

She doesn't know why, she just does.

(Y/n) finally pried her eyes open as painstakingly slow as possible. When she was met with a woody color, then a muddy brown, then olive green, she jerked up and gasped.

"Holy fucking shit, you are real."


Few seconds of silence suffocated every figure in the scene, from turtles to a redhead.

Even though the mutant ninjas are hidden well, they are still clearly seen by April's amateur-trainer eyes. She can make out the remaining three brothers on the telephone wires gawking with their hands rubbing their faces and hear them whispering at their insane brother to, maybe she just misheard it, 'whack the girl into amnesia'. If they ever lay a finger on her best friend, she's so gonna-

"Holy fucking shit, you are real."

Her eyes flew wide open with utter shock and completely went auto-pilot as she took out her tessen and threw it in the mutant turtle's direction.

Donatello hastily blocked April's attack with his Bo, also startling the human in front of him. Oh fuck. She must have encountered the Mutagen Man. Get ready to get fucked.

"(Y/n)! Get the hell away from him!"


"Get the fuck away from him!"

(Y/n) found herself utterly shocked. April never ever dropped the f-bomb unless she meant no absolute bullshit, and it scared her a little.


"Don't you fucking dare, Donnie, or I swear to God I will actually mu-"


The sound attracted all aghast, hurt, and angry eyes like magnets and found a figure lying on the concrete ground.





(Y/n) passed out.

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