2: Casey...

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(Y/n) checked her face in the bathroom mirror for the fifth time in a row

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(Y/n) checked her face in the bathroom mirror for the fifth time in a row. She pinched her cheeks, batted her eyes, bared her teeth, and stuck out her tongue. Nothing had changed. Oh, except for a bleeding scalp from the mysterious glass rain.

What the hell happened out there?

"Here are more bandages, hun." (Y/n)'s Aunt entered the bathroom with the first aid kit on hand her expression still stiff. The girl at the sink ignored her, still checking her face for the sixth time. "You should be worried about your wound more than your face," The Aunt quipped, trying to lighten the mood while preparing new bandages for her head. Guess it worked, considering (Y/n) scoffed. "I know, Auntie. But there is something bothering me."

After her Aunt finished wrapping with the bandages, she wordlessly took her niece's hands in hers, indicating her to go on. "There's a green substance in the container that oozed out when it broke on my head. But..."

"But...?" She pressed on.

"But nothing happened. I mean, there should be, right?"

Confused, (Y/n)'s Aunt gave her a look. She can't completely understand how being miraculously safe her niece is right now is a bad thing. Is the green substance supposed to do something? Maybe it's the same as the-

No. Not now. She's not ready. "Hun," She sighed. "Why don't you go to bed early for tonight? You still got school tomorrow." Not tonight. Not on her birthday. Not on the anniversary.

(Y/n) did not argue. She hardly ever argues with her. That's the way she is after what had happened.



"Pretend you're a normal girl."

April O'Neil repeated this mantra over and over again while gathering her books for Trigonometry. For some reason, she can't get the thoughts of robot aliens and mutants out of her head. After she learned her turtle friends were the ones who mutated Kirby O'Neil, her father, her only parent, her only family left...

"AH!" And she was lying on the ground.

Frustration rose inside her, and when she turned her head to see what hit her ankles, she saw a spinning hockey puck. "Are you serious!?"

April stood up and dusted off her short jeans, not before being toppled over again on her locker. But it was okay, at least she now knew who gave her a sudden bear hug.

"Are you okay, April? Are you hurt?"

The redhead embraced (Y/n) back. Getting a hug from her favorite human friend, other than Irma, made her day a little better, the thoughts of her secret life faded away for a moment.

"I was okay, until some asshole of a hockey player hit me with his puck."

As April spoke, she glared at the culprit, making (Y/n) look behind to see who it was. She can't say she was surprised. She knew the boy well. All too well. Since middle school.

"Casey Jones."

The second he heard his name, he flashed his gapped chiclets and winked. He hasn't really changed. Well, except his diastema got wider. "Yes?"

"You know this guy?" April was shocked. She had been with (Y/n) for months and not once did they cross paths with each other. What did fate plan for them now?

"Say sorry to April right now, Casey." The (hair/color) headed teen crossed her arms, but that didn't stop Casey from spinning the biscuit. "Sorry you got in the way." Was his attempt at apologizing as he continued to twirl the puck with his twig. Guess he's as stubborn as he was back in when he and (Y/n) first met.

The latter grabbed April's hand to lead her away from Casey but was halted by him anyway. He had a look of hope in his eyes but his smirk told a different tale. "You signed up for extra cred, right?" He asked. He was talking to April. (Y/n) had nothing more to do than just listen. She didn't want to abandon April to a boy. That would be torture for her poor freckled friend. "Well rejoice! 'Cause I'm the guy you're gonna tutor." Casey leaned on his hockey stick when (Y/n) rolled her eyes. "She'd rather take detention than rejoice to tutor you, Jones."

"True." April followed the roll of her eyes. The two silently shared an inside joke for a few seconds before Casey's face fell in seriousness and he suddenly started fidgeting. "If I don't pass Trig, they'll kick me off the hockey team." He reasoned. And he hesitantly added, "Nobody else wants to tutor me."

(Y/n) started feeling bad. She didn't think Casey would be serious this time. Her experiences with him in middle school had her thinking he had no future in school at all. But to see he's right here, right now on the prestigious high school in New York...

Maybe he had a chance after all.

Just after his little scene of vulnerability, he immediately came back up with a little ego boost. "They're all intimidated by my supreme awesomeness."

Then again, maybe not.

They were interrupted by the school bell.

(Y/n) once again grabbed April and dragged her away towards to Math class, not ever looking back.

"Hey-!" Casey was dumbfounded. The ginger could only shrug and shout out, "Meet us at the park at seven! Don't be late!" And they were gone.

Maybe this is what fate had planned for them.

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