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  When I was in the ring and I was thinking of...I felt like I know...I know her, though, and I know her heart and I know what she wouldn't do to hurt me. But I didn't realise that feeling so confident and feeling so great about myself and then to have it just be completely shattered by one thing, by something so stupid. But then you make me feel crazy, you make me feel like it's my fault. I was in pain."


"Can I get you anything else? A gingerale maybe? Or a asprin?"

"No thank you baby Im fine"

I wasnt fine. Everyone knew I wasnt fine. I was hurting inside knowing I was being played but I tend to go along with it.

"Okay well I'll be back in a few gonna hit the gym with foxy"

"Tell her I said hi!"

"Sure thing" as soon as I heard the door close I threw the sheets off of me and barged into our room searching threw her drawers for something.

Sliding the closet door open I looked behind all of our dresses we never wore where she hid most of her stuff. I pulled out a chest locked. Fuck. If I break it open she'll know and It wouldnt be pretty.

What does she put in there I was desperate for answers but not that desperate.

I started to feel dizzy. I closed the closet door and getting back into bed.

'I wonder what paige is doing right now'

Ur tiara is falling darling...

Just another fill in chapter nothing special.

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