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"We prefer to be the freaks, we prefer to be the geeks, we prefer to be the weirdos the misfits, the oddballs, and mostly we prefer to be the ones who aren't afraid to be themselves!"

Me and Paige's segment together was awesome I felt the electricity between us, I was so in love.

After that backstage I turned to my lartner taking my hand in hers. "You make me happy Paige I just want you to know that"

"Aw Aj thats so nice of you " She kisses me on my cheek before walking away. In the corner of my eye I could see Dean talking to Renee so I put my head down and walk the other way. "Aj!"

"Fuck " I mumbled picking up the pace. He runs and grabs my arm. "Dont try to run"

"If i was running I would have ran theres a difference between-"

"Ya whatever you know Im not here to small talk"

"Will you guys just leave my relationship alone!" I snatched my hand away.

"I dont want you running crying to me when she -"

"Hey Ambrose, Uhm Aj im gonna go grab a drink after you in?"

"Ya ofcourse"

"K leggo!"


"Bloody hell!" That following glass breaking I knew it was time for us to leave becausethere was soon going to be a rampaige up in this club.

"I DONT NEED AN ID IM FREAKING 22!" Paige yelled in the poor bartenders paige. "Ya whatever looks like you've had enough already"

"HEY DONT TELL ME WHEN I'VE HAD ENOUGH!" I grabbed a hold of her waist pulling her away from the bar. "Okay babe listen your causing a big scene and we dint need any drama before-"

"SHUT THE HELL UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" She pushed me too the ground before heading back towards the bar causing more drama.

"Hey, you need to get your friend and leave" The security guard yelled pointing down at me. This was super embarrassing and just knew I had to face the consequences after this"

Another attempt after another after another lead to me having a busted nose and a bruised head followed by us being thrown out, did I mention a passed out Paige snoring on the concrete.

"This isnt ladylike what do I see in you" I had the cab driver help me get her in the car for an extra 50 bucks.

When we got home Paige stumbled through the halls like a little girl laughing running all over the place. "Catch me if you can Aj" She ran into our apartment locking the door after that was heard a large thunp hitting the ground amd I knew I was gonna end up sleeping on a friemds couch.

Sighing I picked up my phone scrollimg through the call log. "Def not him"

Deans probably screwing around with renee, whuch means im stuck with Seth.

I didnt mind calling I just walked straight to his house.

Two hard knocks , I rubbed my hands together waiting for him to answer. With a drag of his feet and a groggy sleepy voice he finally opened the door.



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