not again

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Paige kicked me in the back of my head making me spit up blood gasping for air. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!"

"I-I-I dont S-See why you're S-so mad babe we won tonight its Wrestlemania" She pushed me back to the grown were I decided to stay.

"I didnt ask you to talk ..we were horrible out there because of you!"

"Im so sorry"

The day after Wrestlemania I cried at home so afraid to show up to work with bruises over me.

But Cindy always had me, she knew what was going on between me and Paige, Hell I think everyone knew, but she always helped me cover up.

I closed my book when the front door open meaning Paige was home.

"HEYO!" she said before I spit out a giggle. "Welcome home baby" I took off my glasses walking towards were her voice was.

Her and some other blonde giving me a stank look where having a quiet conversation.

"Who's this?"

"This is Carmen, Carmen This is Aj"

"Mm" I didnt bother pitting my hand out for her to shake it.

"Ok so what is she doing here ! She has a mouth and she can use it!"

"Shut up and mind your business just go to the arena I'll meet you there!"

I rolled my eyes looking that bitch into the eye she better recognize who I am.

I leant in to give Paige a kiss but she pulled away and said "Gross lets go Car" They both went upstairs laughing and giggling away.

Should I just let it slide?


Driving to the arena was long and tiring without her but atleast I didnt have to deal with her roadrage.

Running my hand through my hair And squinting my eyes to the bystander on the side of the road. Looked like his car was smoking.

That bystander happened to look like Dean.

I pulled up next to him, he looked super relieved.

"Boy..arent I glad to see you"

"Looks like you blew a fuse"

"Yea I have no idea whats wrong with it" His shirt was off and he was sweating heavy.

"Let me take a look"

"You? What do you know about cars"

"More than you will ever think babe" He smirked down at me as I got out taking a look in the hood of his car.

I was bent over and Knew he was looking at my rear end.

"Make something productive of yourself and start the car will ya" He grunted something under his breath.

The car started like magic with no effort done.

"Sorry for doubting you"

"Thats not what  you should really apologize for" Wiping my hands on my jeans I walked towards my car with him behind me.

"But really Aj I...I hope I didnt press a pressure point with what I said Im truly sorry"

" should get going to the arena"


A car flew past us. One that looked exactly like Paige's

With one more look he gave me we both went our ways and I couldnt help but think

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