1. The assistant

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Ohm felt his anxiety doubling every time the bus stopped. He counted the seconds without having to look at his watch because he knew he was late. Maybe, too late. That morning the owner of the flower shop where we worked had to take care of a wedding's decoration and asked for his help, but that ended up affecting his plans. He surely couldn't make the woman upset because she offered him a job when he needed it the most, so he helped her anyway. But he also needed to try to get that new job and went to the place informed in the offer he found out on a random Facebook page focused on that kind of thing.

It was a bad first impression to be late for his job interview, but since Ohm was a little desperate for the money to help to pay for his younger siblings' College tuition, he thought it was worth the try. Especially when he was fired from his last job. Finally the bus was stopping at the appropriate point and he jumped out of the vehicle, still in motion, almost getting hit by a car when he ran across the street and startling the bus driver with his sudden actions.

Getting in the elevator without thinking much, he pressed the right number and started to pray that the seconds would pass slowly and he would not be so late. When the door opened on the proper floor, he ran out and knocked on the door until he realized he should have used the doorbell. It rang once, twice… but no sound was heard from inside the property. He was about to leave when he heard a very distant whisper.

"H-help... me, p-please!", The voice asked.

Ohm then realized that the door wasn't locked and entered the apartment. He found stacks of books scattered everywhere and under one of them he found a human arm. Fortunately, the arm was connected to a living person who was asking for help!

"Please! Do you mind giving me a little help here?", The woman asked again. Actually, she could get rid of the books if she wanted to, but apparently her back was hurt and because of the accident. Then some help to get back on her heels would be nice. So weird for such a young lady, Ohm was thinking to himself.

"Oh, sure!", Ohm said removing the books and offering his hand to help her up.

The woman was dressed in a black dress with short sleeves that screamed "professionalism" but her long and silky hair was the kind that could only be found in fairy tales. Her big brown eyes had this kind of glow that shows their owner is smarter than most people think and her pretty lips parted to show a sweet smile, but the happy mood was instantly switched to a painful face when her back seemed to hurt. When Ohm noticed her condition, he tried to offer some support with his arms, but she dismissed him.

"I'm okay, don't worry! How lucky of me you came! Oh, oh!", The woman said, massaging a part of her back and unable to stand straight without moaning with pain.

"I think you should go to see a doctor, Khun…", Ohm suggested to the stranger.

"You can call me P'Sammy! And I'm fine, thanks for the concern! I'm already used to feeling this pain! My bad luck was that the pile of books fell on me, but for that I blame the owner of this apartment.", Sammy said laughing loudly and sitting in an armchair near the table in the center of the room that was still full of other equally tall and dangerous stacks of books.

When the pain stung on her back again, she mentally cursed at that man for making her put herself in such a situation. If he wasn't that impossible to live with, she wouldn't put out a new call for a new assistant every 2 or 3 months and wouldn't need to conduct the interviews in that filthy apartment either.

While the woman made herself comfortable on the couch, Ohm looked around and ended up realizing that the apartment looked abandoned to say the least. Books everywhere, the dishes in the sink seemed to be laying there for weeks and a thick layer of dust covering everything. The plants on the balcony? Were nothing more than pots with dead straw and Ohm was about 99% sure that a dead pigeon was laying in one of them.

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