5. The cleaning robot

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Fluke was feeling his stomach complaining and decided to take a break from work to go search for food. Since Ohm started working as his assistant he created this habit of making mid-afternoon snacks for the him to eat and now his body had apparently gotten used to it. Not that he was going to confess this to the boy, by the way.

Arriving in the kitchen, he didn't find the man. He took a look at the balcony and he wasn't there either. Then a noise caught his attention and he noticed that Ohm was trying to get something on the top shelf above the washing machine. Even though the boy was tall, the shelf was not within his reach, so he had his arms outstretched. The pose made it easier for his shirt to rise with the movement and Fluke was gifted for a brief second with the sight of Ohm's defined abs but not for long because the latter caught him red handed.

"Oh! Hi, Fluke!", Ohm greeted him still looking for something on the shelf.

"What are you doing?"

"Looking for a screwdriver…", Ohm replied lowering his shirt and turning to Fluke. He had taken from the shelf a toolbox the eldest hadn't seen in years.

"What is that for?" the writer insisted, overcoming with curiosity.

"To change the plug.", Ohm replied without looking away from inside the box, probably trying to find the object he wanted. It was cute to see the youngest focused on something like that, but every second that dialogue was unnecessarily extending Fluke was getting more and more frustrated by the lack of information.

"Right, this isn't working. You keep giving me vague answers and I don't…"

"I bought a cleaning robot, but the socket in the living room is not compatible with it, so I'm going to change it.", Ohm explained with a sigh, already imagining what would come next.

"Why did you buy a cleaning robot?"

"Because the store had a big discount sale and I thought it would be useful around here. In a few days I may be leaving, so at least you won't die buried in dust.", Ohm shrugged.

"Nonsense! That won't happen. Sammy always shows up first to check if I'm alive!"

"Ok, ok! The robot is adorable, I needed to buy it!", Ohm confessed with red cheeks.

"See, that wasn't so difficult! And it makes more sense!" Fluke smiled winningly as he finally got the answer he was looking for.

The two went into the living room to watch the little robot working, but for some reason, it didn't last very long. The box pointed out in big letters that it would run for an hour, but its battery died before reaching the kitchen. Ohm had switched the shot in the room, thinking that maybe this could be the problem, but they didn't have any luck from that. They tried reading the manual over and over again and searching for solutions on Google, all of it useless to their problem.

By then Fluke had forgotten his own starved state and was really interested in Ohm's small acquisition. The two men brainstormed ideas trying to find reasons for the robot's malfunction, but to no avail.

"Must be a factory defect, you'll need to replace it."

"That's awful! I hate all the bureaucracy and angry employees! Uh! I feel so uncomfortable in this kind of situation!" Ohm complained frowning.

"I'll go with you. We can go in my car. You'll drive!", Fluke said heading towards the bedroom to change his pajamas for an outfit he could wear outside the house.

Ohm was absolutely dazzled when Fluke showed up again dressing a cute denim overalls with a white plain shirt on the inside. He had braided his hair with the strands of hair forming a crown around his hair. He looked ethereal and amazing. The assistant took a moment to regain his senses and they left the house.

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