7. Top student

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Despite the fact that it was summer in Thailand, the apartment was filled with a light breeze. The two guys were comfortably relaxing on opposite sides of the little table in the center of the room, each of them focused on their own work.

"This doesn't make sense at all!", the taller one complained.

Ok, "comfortably relaxing" was a little too much to describe precisely the scene.

"Why do I have to know that?!", he insisted on interrogating the papers in front of him.

And maybe "focused" was also a little too much.

After cleaning up the house, Ohm decided to sit down at the coffee table and study there for the next exam. To his absolute horror, the professor was still firmly following his hate agenda towards him and making him desperate as the seconds passed by because the book he should read didn't make much sense. It was some poetic prose and he wasn't so good at literature at all.

"Ai! I can't take this anymore!", Ohm threw the notebook on the floor in frustration.

Fluke was surprised by the youngest's outburst, because he used to be a calm person and now looked quite desperate. As he couldn't focus on his own work anymore, he decided to help the other.

"Alright, stop it! What are you doing? I've been trying to concentrate for 30 minutes now and I can't because of your loud comments and whining.", The writer tried to say casually without showing much of his concern.

"I'm so sorry, Fluke! I'm just reading this book for my exam and I can't understand!"

"When is the exam?", the eldest asked.


Fluke had a soft spot for those cute puppy eyes and instantly showered him with his empathy. Letting out a sigh, he offered:

"Which is the book? Maybe I've read it before and can help you, how about that? That way you stop complaining and I can concentrate on finishing my own work."

"That's great! Thank you in advance! The book is this one! The name is 'The heat in your eyes' by Achara Phitsamai. Have you ever heard of her?", Ohm asked.

The red leather cover of the book was still glowing, an evidence that it wasn't handled at all by it's owner since it was brought from the bookstore. Fluke felt a little uncomfortable because he knew what was written on those pages very well, word by word.

"This book is mine."

"That's embarrassing…", Ohm blushed because for a second he had forgotten his employer was, in fact, a writer himself. 

Until that day he didn't know his pen name and P'Sammy seemed to ignore his curiosity about it, never answering him back. Now he got what he was looking for, but it came with a spoon of regret tagged along and it was no fun at all seeing the hurtful look in the older eyes.

"Never mind! Come on, what do you need to understand about the book?", Fluke ignored the awkward moment and decided to help the man.

"No, no! Let it go, I'll find out by myself! So sorry to disturb you!"

After learning that the book was written by his own employer, Ohm was too embarrassed to continue with any part of that conversation. He imagined it was the equivalent of calling a child ugly in front of their parents. Even if it was true, it wasn't something socially acceptable and he wasn't about to spoil the friendly relationship they were starting to establish after so much conflict.

"Let's do this, Ohm!", Fluke said rolling his eyes.

The writer left his original position and came to sit next to Ohm. That way, the papers and the book could be close to both of them.

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