8. Drunk confession

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Ohm was hoping to spend the last four days of his contract creating tasty dishes for Fluke to eat and taking care of whatever chores he could, but due to the proximity of the new book event that the writer had finally finished writing, things didn't run according to his plans. In fact, he couldn't talk to P'Sammy, nor did she respond to his messages. From Fluke, he had gotten a call that morning informing him that he wouldn't need to go to his apartment that weekend because he was busy with the event and wouldn't have time to eat anyway. With that, his last days of contract were taken without previous notice.

"But it turns out I'm his assistant and not a cook!", Ohm said crushing a rose in the middle of his hand. "I can help in more ways than making him food or cleaning the house!"

"Hey! Are you alright, Nong?", Seoul, the owner of the flower shop asked worriedly when she saw that the boy had already lost some flowers while putting together an arrangement ordered by a client.

"Ah… it's alright, P'Seoul! Sorry!", Ohm said with a sad smile and avoided her question. Looking at the floor beside the table he was using, he noticed the small crumpled colored petals and felt empathy for them.

The situation greatly irritated Ohm because he hadn't had the proper chance to say goodbye to Fluke. He'd simply gone off to college the night before, and that morning he got the message that his services were no longer needed. The worst part was that he still had Fluke's credit card, car, and spare apartment key with him. What should he do? Appear out of nowhere and give them back to the real owner? Ignore everything and wait for someone to come after him? It was all very confusing and the boy was getting more and more frustrated with it.

Because he had nothing to do that afternoon, he decided to stay a little longer at the flower shop and help out as much as he could. He didn't have the head to study and if he stayed at home, they would constantly fill him with questions that he either didn't have answers to or, if he did, didn't intend to share them anytime soon with anyone. To his surprise, when he arrived at college, he found that one of the professors was sick and the other was not showing up because of a last-minute problem. In short, he had gone to college for nothing, as classes had been canceled.

He was already getting ready to leave when he ran into a group of classmates leaving excited:

"Hey, man! How about we drink something? People are ready to go to that bar across the street and I thought it would be nice to call you to come with us!", Bosston invited him.

Ohm wasn't the drinking type and he had a very good reason for it, but right then the promise of being able to drown his thoughts in alcohol and forget about them for a while was too tempting for him to resist. So he accepted.

The group of students didn't get into trouble. They literally danced and drank all night long. Except for Ohm who preferred to be hugging a single bottle all night as if it held the key to happiness. Anyway, each one got what they wanted from the unexpected night off.

When it was time to leave, as Ohm lived very far from the rest of the group, they put him in a taxi and gave the driver his home address, believing he would arrive safely. However, the drunk young man still didn't plan to end his night and changed the direction of the ride, stopping right in front of Fluke's door. He rang the bell several times and got no answer. It was only midnight, he checked on his phone, but maybe the writer was asleep.

When he was looking for the extra key he had in his pocket, the door was opened.

"Ohm? What are you doing here at this hour?!", Fluke asked.

The writer was wearing one of his cute pajamas, this one with little popsicles pattern and Ohm couldn't help but smile at the realization. He was still the same. However, this could not be said of the drunk young man who threw himself at Fluke and said:

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