2. Out of tune

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Ohm came back to Fluke's apartment the next day. Since his plan was to try to give the plants on the balcony an extreme makeover, he bought some simple gardening materials and seedlings of species that were easy to care of. As he worked in the flower shop, he received a generous discount on his purchase.

Again, when he arrived at Fluke's apartment, he found it empty. Or so he thought until he realized that the noise of the air conditioner indicating that the writer was once again inside his bedroom, working silently. This time, however, Ohm was willing to interact as little as possible with the man and just focused on his own job.

He turned on the coffeemaker and went to the balcony to start working. It was difficult to deal in such a small space being so large as Ohm was, so he decided to take some of the stuff to the apartment's laundry area. It wasn't much bigger, but he felt more at easy dealing with the plants there.

In a short time, the balcony gained a new air of freshness and color. It almost seemed like a pleasant place for a late-afternoon reading or to sit in the chair that was there and enjoy the stars amidst the fragrance of the flowers. Both alternatives were nice to be considered.

He wasn't nearly surprised when he confirmed the pigeon he saw the day before was really dead and had to use two pairs of gloves to be able to touch the little creature.

Once the balcony project was done, Ohm felt that there was no longer way to avoid his fate. He needed to go inside the bedroom to clean it up. He knocked twice on the door and got no answer.

"He has such bad manners!" Ohm whispered to the wood of the door, startling when Fluke opened it.

The writer was wearing a different pajamas from the day before, this one with little bears pattern. His hair wasn't perfectly styled, but it was visible that the man took some time to comb the silky strands. Probably the messed up look was a side effect of the writer's habit of running his fingers through his hair when he was impatient. In fact, here they were again.

"What do you want in here?", The writer asked, frowning.

"Sorry to bother you, sir. I just need to clean the room--" Ohm trailed off as Fluke turned his back and left the door open, sitting back at his desk to work. Each moment they spent together Ohm felt a growing rage for the man who seemed not to care even a bit about the social rules of good manners. Even so, it was not his place to judge and he decided to devote himself to the service again.

The room was as messed up as the rest of the apartment had been before Ohm's arrival and he hadn't been surprised by this fact. He started by changing the bed sheets and the towels in the bathroom, followed by washing the room from top to bottom and gently arranging the products on the counter. When he was satisfied with the result, he went back to the room. He would have to face the beast that was absorbed all this time staring at the computer screen on a table by the window.

But Ohm was still not that brave and preferred to act discreetly and clean up as much as possible without disturbing the other's peace out of pure fear of his likely reaction. So he decided to rearrange the books on the shelves in the bedroom and was positively sure that some of them were copies from the ones he found in the living room. The difference was probably that these seemed more used than the others.

After that, the younger one decided to take the curtains off to wash them. Even though he was tall, he couldn't reach the pole and took one of the chairs from the kitchen counter to climb it up. When he was stretching himself in order to remove the curtains, he was startled by the writer's raged tone.

Fluke was looking at the scene with the corner of his eye the whole time and was alarmed by the boy's recklessness and decided to manifest himself before something bad happened.

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