4. Getting along

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As the days passed, the writer and the assistant developed a reasonable relationship. They still argued frequently, but nothing so serious that harmed their good terms. That's why they started to enjoy their time together even though they didn't talk about it clearly.

Like that one incident with the neighbor's dog.

Ohm had his arms occupied with shopping bags and the woman's dog beside him in the elevator seemed extremely enthusiastic about fraternizing with his leg. As much as he cast meaningful glances at the woman, her attention seemed focused on the phone screen and missed the events around her. Luckily, the elevator reached the indicated floor and he went out into the hallway. Unfortunately, so did the woman with her pet.

The boy quickened his pace to avoid any further complications, but he fumbled with the door. He had put the keys in his pocket before leaving the supermarket and now with his hands full he had trouble getting them. So it was with some effort and thanks to his long fingers that he managed to reach the small metal ring that connected the keys and put the proper one on the door.

However, at this moment, several things happened at the same time: Ohm heard his name being called by Fluke who was also arriving at the apartment telling him to close the door. The dog broke free of his owner's hand and entered the writer's apartment. The woman was in shock with her mouth open as the three of them watched her animal crouch down into its convenient position and urinate on Fluke's rug.

"Oh, Nong Fluke, I'm so sorry about Bob! You know how he is!", she said entering the apartment still wearing her shoes and taking the animal. She quickly closed her apartment's door after that to avoid any further discussion.

Fluke didn't bother enough to say something to the woman, because Bob's terrible habit was familiar to everyone on that floor. The sneaky dog expected his neighbors to leave the door open just to run into their properties and do something dirty in their rugs or couches. However, as he was still new to the building, Ohm didn't know about this little villain and ended up being Bob's victim. Or Fluke's rug was the victim, but he was shocked anyway.

"Holy shit!" Ohm cursed, unable to keep good manners in that situation.

"Actually, it's pee.", Fluke commented trying to hide his laughter.

"If I didn't know that I'm the one going to clean this up, I would laugh at the joke, thank you.", Ohm said looking at Fluke.

"Not a problem! They say being cute doesn't get you anywhere, but being funny helps to win a guy!", Fluke said putting an imaginary lock of hair behind his ear, a gesture the assistant found adorable until he absorbed the meaning of the other's words.

"What did you say?" 

"It was nothing! Just give me the bags, I'll put this in the kitchen while you take care of the rug!", Fluke said grabbing the groceries and running away as fast as Bob's owner had done moments before.

Ohm was left at the entrance of the apartment half horrified by the task at hand and half delighted by the effect of Fluke's words. He was starting to enjoy working there.

Or that time they watched some movies together.

Fluke came out of the bedroom irritated and sighing around the house.

"Can I help you with anything?" Ohm decided to ask.

"You can't!", Fluke replied faster than he should have, startling the other. When he realized that he had been unnecessarily rude, he tried to fix his tone "Sorry, I have a writer's block and I can't develop a chapter in the book."

"Oh, writer's block, right? How about taking a break? I can prepare you a snack if you want!" Ohm offered.

"Hm. It would be nice…", Fluke said looking at the phone to distract himself. After a few moments, he turned to Ohm and asked to confirm "Today is Saturday, right? Do you have classes?"

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