6. A rainy afternoon

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The stranger was tall, had a perfectly styled dark hair and looked like someone you would find in the pages of a fashion magazine. If Ohm was sincere, none of these qualities made him the least bit happy about what was going on. Seeing someone approaching Fluke without courtesy made him feel utter discomfort. However, while he was still drowning in his analysis, the scene unfolded in front of him.

Fluke stopped his actions for a moment and after a quick glance in Ohm's direction, he decided to greet the stranger.

"Hi, what's your name?"

"My name is Kao! Kao Noppakao, just like the number. I like your face a lot and I thought we could talk a little more about this. Are you up to it?", the man said flashing a perfect bright smile.

"Hello, Kao! My name is Ohm. Ohm Thitiwat! Nice to meet you!", Fluke replied with the most sincere tone.

Ohm, the real one, could barely keep his straight face after hearing the other's blatant lie, but for the sake of whatever was going on there, he decided to keep his mouth shut for a while.

"So? Your number?" Kao demanded, swinging the phone in Fluke's direction once again.

Fluke suppressed a grimace of displeasure at the man's lack of manners, but picked up the device and punched in a few numbers, then returned the object to Kao's impatient hand.

"I'll give you a call!", the stranger said with a wink before heading to the counter, paying his expenses and leaving the coffee shop.

"What was that?!", Ohm asked, now with the smile evident on his face.

"I thought it was fair to lie, since he was so rude! He didn't excuse himself or even seem interested in knowing if I could like him enough to give him my number. He deserved it.", Fluke said taking a sip of his drink.

"And which number did you type on the phone?" Ohm asked as he took another bite of his dessert.

"Yours, of course!" Fluke smiled.

At that moment Ohm realized that he was not angry at what Fluke had done. Yes, he wished the other hadn't given his personal number to a complete stranger, but that would be easy to deal with, just by blocking the man's number. What left the assistant completely stunned by the scene was the fact that Fluke knew his number from memory and beyond a shadow of a doubt. Better yet, he trusted him enough to know he could play that little play in front of the rude guy knowing he wouldn't be questioned. In short, Fluke trusted him and that made him very happy. So happy that he started to laugh and almost choked, needing to take more of his bubble tea to catch his breath.

"Hey, hey! What's up? Why the laugh all of a sudden?"

"It was nothing, Fluke! I just remembered the classes I have today and that made me laugh!", Ohm tried to change the topic.

"You should study less, boy! You're starting to lose track of reality!" Fluke was back in his usual mood, Ohm realized without even a hint of resentment. He liked that same old Fluke as well.

"Yes, sir!"

"At what time your classes start, anyway? I didn't study at night in my time and I have no idea what the experience would be like.", Fluke said, repressing a shiver.

"I come in at 7pm and usually the last class ends around 10:30 pm. I get home at 11:10 pm and study a little until 2 or 3 am. When I'm on exams week, it could be extended to a little more.", Ohm commented.

"What College is it again?" Fluke placed his fork on the corner of his plate and stared at Ohm directly, making the younger boy feel slightly uncomfortable. Not for the question itself, but for the weight his gaze seemed to carry with it. The assistant felt analyzed in every little detail and felt that he needed to control his breathing and even the words he would use.

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