Where Danima comes from.

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When I made Danima, I was around 14. 

I made her based on everything that I found beautiful, well, more like my insecurities.

She has been evolving ever since, because she grew up with me.

Some may say it's just a copy to have her being siblings with x character, others have commented on how I've ripped off Camus.

Honestly, back then, I would've cried. Now, I just laugh.

When I was alone, and I felt down, she became my escape. And she started to seem more like a reflection than just a drawing.

Danima is my confident side. She helped me to be acceptable of who I am and to embrace it, just like she does.

Thank you, Dani. Thank you for arriving on that day i felt alone, thanks for allowing me to help you and vice versa. Thank you for giving me that strength I needed.

I hope we can keep growing, both of us.

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