Headcanons pt. idk

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//pls let's admire this meme I found on IG hdkdjdsojddj//

Let's drop some headcanons for now:

- This one won't be a headcanon, but I realized that my friend and I love drama, so in the roleplays our characters will be involved around or in dramatic situations (you know who you are uwu) so sometimes it differs from their personalities but it is fine uwu

- The only difference between Camus and Danima when they were kids was that one was slightly taller than the other, also, Danima's eyes were more greyish. With all honesty, they could be mistaken as twins

- Back when she started in Saotome Gakuen, she wanted to die her hair as it was painfully OBVIOUS her resemblance to Camus. Still to the date, she wants to dye it, maybe she will.

- Sometimes, because of the height difference, people assume that Danima is older than Jiwa, but it's completely the opposite. Also, when Danima need (yes, needs) to be babied and the only one around is Jiwa, she will wrap herself around her like a koala (sorry Ji quq)

- As much as she LOVES free days, sometimes they can become too much, and by too much, she means no walking ability- thanks Ranmaru. They barely have free days and apparently he was a werewolf in his past life because he's the ✨fruityfantastic✨ (I explained once, but; Ranmaru expresses his feelings better with actions more than words. So he kind of saves it for the free days, where he shows his affection).

- Danima once cut her hair with kids scissors just to bother Camus because 'she wouldn't do it for real'. She did it.

- She despises the cold weather, not because she's cold or whatever, but it's like 'sweat' is for other people; uncomfortable.

//This is it for now quq I'm at work so I have limited time//

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