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There she was again, she always sat alone. No kid would sit beside her, no one would even say hello, all they did was bother her and make her feel less, not that it worked, but that's all they did. They weren't kids, yet they treated this as child's play. Oh how she wished all of this just stopped. How she wished that she was left alone, unbothered, in peace. That's why she went to the rooftop every day, it was calm, serenely calm. She enjoyed her lunch here without a worry of the world. She could count every time she came here alone, and it didn't bother her. Being alone e never bothered her, it was an everyday thing.

Until he decided to arrive.

Tall, grey hair (probably dyed), bicolored eyes, pale skin, the whole shabang to make every girl fall for him. He had to sit at the end of the line because of his height, though that didn't stop every girl in the class to go over him and almost gag at his presence, 'typical, they see a pretty boy and they go crazy' she said to herself.

She didn't mind hi., though, either he was as quiet as a pai ting or barking like a pitbull loudly. He was every extreme. And somehow, that made him more interesting for her. She wat he'd him once or twice, he joined the theater club, the same club she was in, and found out he liked to sing, though he never sang in front of others. And God forbids if they got paired together, they weren't uncomfortable with the other, but the people around d them were. And they weren't happy.

She decided to head over to the rooftop after rehearsals, and she was surprised to find the guy there, staring at the city under their feet
"I didn't know you enjoyed this kind of view" she said
"I appreciate it sometimes, male's me remember the actual time"
"You can stay for as long as you want, then" she replied, sitting at her usual spot. After some time, he sat beside her, looking at her food and then at her
"Why do you eat alone? You seem descent"
"Descency I what brought me here"


"Kurosaki Ranmaru" the guy replied, his eyes never leaving her form
"Shatzo Danima" she replied, now looking over at him. Well today, it seems like she made a new friend today. A friend who thought the same as her.

Utapri's Wolf and Fox Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora