Chapter 6

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A/N I know I havn't updates this for MONTHS and my only excuse is that I couldn't be bothered and I had a bit of writers block. Please forgive me and maybe spare a vote or comment...

Eduardo's POV

The final call for boarding sounded and I ran up the gang plank as fast as I could. Other sailors followed behind me, hurrying to get to the deck first. So far everything was going fine; all the cargo was packed, none of the crew had shown any signs of illness over the past few days and no trespassers had been seen on board, apart from the vampire girl, and that had been three days ago.

I was excited to finally get going. It was my first time sailing and first-timers always got the boring jobs like helping the cook, scrubbing the deck and checking on the cargo. All that didn't bother me though. It was my first time on a real ship and nothing could stop me from having a good time.

 I ran over to the port side railing and looked over at the docks where I could see families waiving their relatives off. Surprisingly I could see my own mother and father standing there, though they stood stiff and haughty, their faces making it obvious that they were glad they were rid of me, even if it was just for a few months.

My relationship with them hadn't been a pleasant one ever since they caught me stealing fifteen shillings from them. It wasn't my fault I lost the bet okay?

"Hey! Boy!" A rough voice jerked me out of my thoughts. A tough-looking sailor was holding a rope out to me. "Come an' give us a hand, eh?"

"Yes sir," I said, and ran over to hold the rope.

"Don't pull it in, got it?" he warned. "I'll get it off you again once we set sail." I nodded and he went off towards the stern, turning back to face me before saying, "My name's George by the way. You?"

"Eduardo," I answered, nodding politely back to him.

"Well then, Eduardo; you'd do well to stay out of trouble while your working on this ship. Some blokes around here would rather you be left out on a longboat, far from Destiny. 'Those young boys don't know the difference between  a piece of rope and a snake,' they say."

"What do you think?" I asked curiously.

"Well, I know better. See, I was around your age when I first started sailin' wasn't I. I was," he cut in, before I could answer. " Well, see you round boy." And with that,he walked off.

I shrugged and went back to keeping the rope still, which, let me tell you, was one of the most boring things I had ever done in my life. When at last the anchor was pulled up and the ship untied from the dock, my arm felt like it would drop off.

One of the sailors (not George) relived me after what seemed like forever and told me to go and check on the cargo hold, as we started to pull out of the dock. I did as was instructed, and made my way below deck, where the cargo was packed.

Penelope's POV

Being squished in the small cupboard was not fun, let me tell you. I was instantly bored; the only exciting thing to do was listen to the crew chat and order each other around, which soon became dull.

I riffled around in my bag, and, finding nothing that would interest me and pull me out of the chasm of boredom I had fallen into I started humming to myself. Not any particular song, just random notes that formed in my head. Slowly those notes became etched into my brain, and I found myself humming the same thing over and over.

I was just about to put words when I heard the door to the cargo hold open. I froze and tried to back away further into cupboard, but was met with only the hard wood behind me. I pulled my bag up to my chest cursing to myself when I saw it was upside-down and half my belongings had fallen out.

Again, I froze, hoping with all my might that whoever was here hadn't heard the noise, or would just mistake it for a rat. The footsteps stopped momentarily and I took a sharp intake of breath, quietly of course.

Please, please please please don't come over here! The footsteps resumed and I heard the person start rummaging around in bags and opening barrels. Maybe he or she is a stowaway like me and is trying to find something to eat, I thought hopefully, but I knew that wasn't the case.

I quietly gathered all my possessions and placed them back in the bag, hoping whoever it was wouldn't open the door to my cupboard. The rummaging continued for a while, when I heard another set of feet come into the room.

"Hey boy," a man said. The rummaging stopped.

"Yes?" I head a familiar voice say, thought I couldn't quite remember why or who's it was. I was a nice voice though. One of those voices that makes you want to listen for hours.

"Who sent you down here?"

"One of the sailors Sir. He said I should check on the cargo."

"Very well then, but don't take anything for yourself and if you find anything gone you are to report it to me immediately, got it?"

"Um, yes Sir."

"What's your name, boy?"

"Eduardo, Sir. I'm new." That's right. Father or John said something about an Eduardo.

"First time sailor then. You'd better get used to a sea life if you want to be sailing again. You look like one of those stuck up towns people; those sailor wannabe's." This guys a bit harsh, huh.

"I assure you Sir, I will prove to be a worthy sailor. I've studied ships all my life."

"Studying won't get you anywhere boy," the mean guy said. I decided I didn't like him.

"Yes Sir. Well, I shall try to learn all I can sir."

"You'd better. Get back to what you were doing before. Don't forget the barrels, boxes and cupboards. It's not only bags people steal from. I'm Robert, by the way." Forget the cupboards. Forget them now, I chanted in my head.

"Um, OK Sir." Robert left and a silence went over the room. "Well, I'll try not to get onto his bad side then," Eduardo muttered, before going back to looking through bags and noisily talking the lids of barrles and boxes and occasionally opening cupboards.

Then he made his way over to my cupboard. I tensed and waited for the door to open. As soon as I heard the hinges creak ever so slightly I yelled as quietly as I could, "Don't kill me! Don't make me walk the plank or - or get whipped or die!"

I looked up and standing in front of me was the blong buy who had called me a murderer a few days back, when I had slipped aboard Destiny the first time. He had seemed a lot more opposing then. Now he just looked surprised.

He shook his head slowly. "Your that vampire that was on the ship a few days back! Get off this ship now." He drew a sword from his belt and held it at my neck.

A/N Yup, it's short, but I really wanted to update! I'm wondering if I should make Eduardo a main character. You thoughts? Don't forget to spare a vote!

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