Rum Flavored Blood ~ a Pirates Of The Caribbean fan fiction

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...And wish you a very happy fourteenth birthday!



I smiled as I read the letter. Juliet was my younger sister, younger by five years. It was cute, the way she wrote at least nine letters, insisting that all her toys and imaginary friends had wrote them. So it was a relief to finally get to the one from her.

"Who's the next one from?" I asked, pretending to be curious. "Can I guess?" She bobbed her head up and down, sending her long, red curls flying around her small face. Unlike her, my hair was a dark brown, almost black. It was also completely straight.

"You have to open the present first, though!" she reminded me. We were sitting on my bedroom floor, surrounded by paper, ribbons and toys.

"OK. Present first." Sighing, I carefully unwrapped the small package she handed me, making sure I didn't tare the thin paper.

"Hurry up!" Juliet complained. "Why do you always take so long?"

"Because I like to savour the moment, unlike someone who just rips the paper off straight away!" She giggled as I lightly poked her in the ribs. My long arms and fingers were always useful when she got annoying as well. I was also quite tall, which enabled me to run fast if she was chasing after me.

"But you could try and be a bit more fast."

I gently removed the last layer of paper and stared at my gift. It was a gold broach, dotted here and there with flecks of orange and red. It was circular and small, reminding me of a miniature sun. I smiled and pinned it to my dress, which was also a birthday present. "Thank-you so much!"

"It's not from me, it's from Neigh!" she said, lifting up a small, stuffed horse. "He bought it with his own money!"

"Er, well, thank-you then, Neigh." I sighed and looked at the other toys scattered around the room. It was a wonder they could all fit in here, and let me tell you, my room is huge. Twice the size of both my siblings rooms put together.

"And now the card!" She handed me a piece of red card and clapped her hands. "Read it! Read it!"

"Dear Penelope,

Hope you have a great day, a great cake and I hope you like all of the presents because they are special and very importaint!

From the best horse in the world,


P.S. Put on the broach!"

I put the card on the ever growing pile and laughed when I saw my younger brother, John come in. John is only two years younger than me and has now disposed of all his stuffed toys. Well, he says he has, but I think it's a lie.

"Happy birthday Penelope!" he said, as he came up to me and joined us on the floor. He picked up the card on the top of the pile and read it to himself. "Juliet, you spelt important wrong."

"No I didn't! Where?" She jumped up and looked over his shoulder. When she saw it, she shook her head. It wasn't me, it was Neigh!"

"Yes, but the problem is, NEIGH ISN'T REAL!"

"Yes he is! How do you think he wrote the card then?"

"You did."


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