Chapter 2

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After Sarah's corpse had been taken out of my room and deposited in some unknown place, I prepared myself for the discussion with father. I knew my not drinking blood enough would pop up some time and my father's temper could be hard to control. The rest would probably be about the new ship.

I kept my blue dress on and tried to neaten down my hair. After I fed or drank, whichever you prefer, it always ended up looking like a rat had made it into its disgusting nest. I was used to my maids brushing it, but seeing as all my personal ones were busy doing other chores I decided to do it myself. It didn't really work though, only getting out half the knots, if even that.

Before I left, I checked myself in the mirror again. My bright green eyes went with the small beads that covered my dress and the emerald necklace that I wore around my neck. If you haven't noticed, my favorite colour is green.

Once I was ready I made my way through the estate to my father's office. All the staff I passed seemed to shy away from me whenever I came at least a meter and a half near them. The majority of them just stared at me in fright, whilst the rest simply avoided my gaze and continued with their work. Only one ore two would stop me to make small talk or ask what I was doing out of my room.

As I approached the ornate wooden door that lead to my father's office, I heard hushed voices on the other side. I couldn't make out exactly what they were saying, but whatever it was, they were trying their hardest not to be heard.

I knocked on the door twice and let myself in, interrupting their conversation. Mother and John looked up to see me enter while father simply stared at a stack of papers on his desk. Juliet wasn't here, probably down in the gardens with her new friend. They were all siting around the small tea table in the center of the room.

"Ah, Penelope. So glad you could join us," father said, glancing at me as I took the seat opposite him. His face turned stern. "Is what your mother says true? That you havn't taken blood for a whole month before today?"

"Um... Yes, it is true." I saw he was about to speak, but I didn't want to listen to him chastize me, so I cut him off. "Father, you have to understand! I don't want to waste people's lives just because of my thirst. I thought that maybe if I went for long enough without blood, people might be more friendly towards me, open up a little while I was around."

"Penny, we all know your going through a hard time at the moment and believe me, we all want to help you, but we don't want to take to many risks either. If something truly bad happens when you do go for too long without blood, the rest of the family and I do not want to find out what it is."

I hated it when my parents were like this, which was most of the time.

"Penelope, look," my mother said, sensing my annoyance. "Like your father said, we all want to help you but think. Maybe this isn't the best way. We have to think up something else, something we are more certain of before we go making rash actions."

I sighed in defeat and waited for the rest of mother's stern words, but they didn't come. Instead, my father cleared his throat and his expression turned almost exited.

"Now, I think most of you have heard that I have recently bought a new ship - Destiny, she is called. In three days she shall embark on her maiden voyage, a local trade route from here to America. I know it doesn't sound too glamorous, but it is trade ship and will be used for that purpose only."

"Destiny?" I asked. If I was going hide upon it, it would be useful to know the name and place. "What dock is she moored at?"

"I am not yet sure."

"Oh, OK. Well, what time will she be leaving?"

"Around midday, I should think. The sailors will want to say goodbye to their families and friends, and well shall have to stick up on cargo before we leave."

"It should be exiting to watch it leave, don't you think Penelope?" John asked, placing a hand on my back. "It might take your mind off some of the recent events."

"It may, but afterwards life would simply go on as normal." I stared down at the marble table in front of me. "So father, is that all you wanted to say?"

"Yes, that should be all. Now you and John can leave because I have some very important things to discuss with your mother."

My brother and I stood and left, both of us in different directions. He has to find a replacement for Sarah, I realised, a pang of guilt going through me. After all, it was my fault. I on the other hand was headed towards my room so I could pack for my journey upon Destiny.

Seeing as I was to be a stowaway, it couldn't be anything glamorous. Dresses were a big no, but I didn't have any shirts or trousers. How would I be able to get a hold of some? I couldn't ask for any because that would lead to me having to reveal my plan - something I couldn't afford. Maybe I could take some of my brothers while he was out of his room. It wasn't a pleasant idea, but it was better than nothing.

While thinking about how I was to get into his room and back to mine without being noticed, I started packing other things I would need, like hairbrushes and food. Just because I was a blood drinking monster, it didn't mean I didn't have to rely on food. A couple of apples, nuts and other foods that would keep long enough. I didn't bother packing a night gown, as I wouldn't have time to sleep.

After my small bag was almost packed, I left my room and started towards John's. It was quiet as I walked, it always was. I wasn't sure if this was because they never felt like talking or they just didn't want to while I was around. I assumed it was the latter. Once I reached the room I knocked thrice on the door to see whether he was there. When no-one answered it I went in, being careful not to make any noise even though the room was empty.

I didn't like it half as much as mine - no drapes on the windows, the floor scattered with papers and a few weapons. The bed was unmade and his wardrobe door was open. I went over to it and examined some of the clothing. There was a simple brown shirt with sleeves that would probably hang down on me, but it was better than nothing. A pair of darker brown trousers which I took also, as well as some knee-length boots. I took a couple more shirts and breaches, as I wouldn't be able t wear just the one outfit the whole time.

Once I had finished, I covered my traces by moving the other clothing around so nothing looked too suspicious. Then I stole back to my room and packed those also. When I got there, there was a tray sitting on my bedside table, holding a cup of tea and a small pile of strawberries. Glancing at the grandfather clock in my room, I saw it was midday, lunch time. I ate slowly and started thinking about ways I would be able to slip upon the ship without being noticed.

A/N Yup, it's short, but I really wanted to update. You may have noticed that she spends most of her time in her room. This is due to the fact that because she is a vampire, other people tend to avoid her, so she decided if they were gonna avoid her, she would avoid them. She also feels a little left out by humans and seeing as they're all over the estate, she tends to stay in her room where no-one else is.

3 votes for the next chapter! See ya then, Starr65748.

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