Chapter 9

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A/N Ok, I decided to update early coz I felt like it.

Being used as a method of torture wasn't actually as bad as I expected. Jack ordered a cabin be made for me, complete with a bed, a table and three extra locks on the door. Food was brought in regularly and I was allowed on deck, as long as the crew kept a close watch on me. I still had on my clothes from days ago though and they were starting to smell of mould.

According to the man who brought my food in, Eduardo had become part of the crew. The man also told me that he constantly went on about how I shouldn't be trusted and I was evil and that I should be killed instantly.

"It gets on me nerves, I'll have yeh know. I'd shoot 'im right there if the cap'n hadn't banned us from doin' so." 

I saw him occasionally whenever I went on deck and whenever he saw me he'd shoot me a death glare and go back to what he been doing. Aside from the obvious, I didn't know what he had against me.

I didn't see the captain very often, but when I did he was always drunk. I knew pirates loved rum, but not that much.

It was the fifth day after my capture when he asked all the crew to assemble on the deck. I was brought along too. 

He stood in front of the wheel and cleared his throat dramatically. "No sign of the captives first employers has been seen, so we must assume they have forgotten about them! Now, Eddie here is a nice addition to the crew, wouldn't you say?" The pirates murmured angrily. "Ah... Moving on. Penelope hasn't yet been of any use to us, but I assure you she will be.

"That isn't the reason I called you all here though. What I wanted to tell you is, we have a new heading!" He held aloft a box, which I assumed was a compass. "There is something I need, and I need it before two weeks are up!"

Marty, the short man who had brought me the food before stood up on a wooden crate. "And what do you need?"

"You shall see. Any questions?" I raised my hand. "Ah. Penelope." He smiled, his gold teeth glinting slightly.

"You say I shall be used as a torturer soon enough. You sound sure of it." 

"And what of it?"

I paused as all eyes turned my way. "I - I might not want to be used to torture people..." I trailed off, unsure of what to say. If I said anything else, who knew what would happen.

Jack's face was stern. "Who said it was up to you, love?" He grinned and the rest of the crew broke into laughter. 

"But I should have a say in this! It's not fair otherwise!" I looked about frantically, trying to find someone who supported me.

"Listen to her!" one of them shouted.  I was about to thank him, but he spoke again. "'It's not fair otherwise!' We're pirates! You expect us to be fair?" A new bout of laughter came over the crowd.

No I didn't, but I did deserve respect. "I never said you had to! I just want a say in what I do! Is that too much to ask?"

Jack came down from the wheel and stood in front of me. "Yup."

"Wrong," I said. 

He looked puzzled by my answer. "Wha-" My hand collided with the side of his face and a resounding clap filled the air. I stood perfectly still as I waited for his reaction. "You can take your hand off now." He smirked and my cheeks went bright red as I quickly lowered my hand. "Bloody hell, that hurt."

"You deserved it."

"Listen. I am the captain of this here ship an' if you don't fancy walking the plank, your gonna be a good girl and do what I say," he said menacingly. He started to walk back to the wheel, but turned back around to me again. "And no more slapping! Now, back to work! We have an inland to find!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2013 ⏰

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